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NYT bestselling journalist. Senior editor @TPostMillennial. Fact checker @CommunityNotes. Support my journalism & send news tips to:

Feb 20, 2022, 18 tweets

Last night there was a mass shooting in Portland at Normandale Park where armed #antifa & far-left militants were gathering for a direct action. One female is deceased & there are five others injured. #Antifa are claiming shooting was politically motivated

After the mass shooting involving #antifa at their gathering in Portland last night, they're calling for comrades to delete evidence from social media & to not talk to investigators.

Violent extremist #Antifa member Melissa Lewis (who filed a frivolous & now-withdrawn lawsuit against me for retweeting her in December) claims one of the armed people on her side got a "chunk" out of another person. No suspect(s) details have been released by police.

Disinfo #antifa accounts are spreading false claims about the shooting in Portland. They falsely claim I posted a flyer about their event & that I was involved in the shooting.

Marysa Leyva says it is time for me to die. Felony suspect Alissa Azar says I have blood on my hands.

The group involved in the mass shooting last night in Portland is this group. They carry out armed direct actions where they attack people in public. This multiple-victim assault incident from May 2021 still has wanted suspects by Portland Police.…

.@PortlandPolice are doing a press conference right now about the #antifa-involved deadly mass shooting last night. The conference is being crashed right now by two antifa members screaming about white supremacy.

BREAKING: The @PortlandPolice press conference about the deadly mass shooting last night involving #antifa was just completely shut down by #antifa members Hailley Nolan & Dustin Ferreira. They screamed my name & did not let police share new information with the public.

#Antifa and far-left protesters followed and surrounded Lt. Nathan Sheppard of the @PortlandPolice after they shut down the press conference about last night’s mass shooting involving their comrades.

Police released an update to the press release about the mass shooting involving #antifa. They say investigation “indicates this incident started with a confrontation between an armed homeowner & armed protesters.” Antifa left the scene & won’t…

It’s possible now the shooting happened because a home owner had been shot upon by the #antifa extremists. The narrative by antifa that it was a far-right attack is falling apart & no evidence has appeared to support it.

An account has deleted what it says are details about shooting in Portland involving #antifa. Person blames old white people, misogyny, racism, Trump etc. Police say shooting involved homeowner & armed protesters. #Antifa tell comrades to destroy evidence & to not talk to police.

The Oregonian reports that the homeowner involved in the shooting with the far-left militants was critically injured (antifa have also claimed this & celebrated on Twitter). @shanedkavanaugh reports the neighbor isn't associated with a political group.

.@shanedkavanaugh reports that investigators believe the far-left militants involved in the shooting removed shell casings. This would be consistent with what #antifa did last August & what they've been telling their comrades on Twitter (destroy evidence).

#Antifa held a memorial at Normandale Park on Sunday for their comrades by vandalizing the park with graffiti. To make it clear who they are, they drew a large black and red flag logo of Antifa, along with other antifa symbols. One of the posters called for police to be killed.

The deceased woman from the antifa vs homeowner shooting in Portland has been identified as June Knightly. She used the moniker, "T-Rex." Investigators say their investigation has been hampered by the likely removal of evidence from the scene & lack of cooperation from witnesses.

Breaking: Oregonian reports that the man involved in the deadly shootout against #antifa is Benjamin Smith, a 43-year-old machinist. Antifa accounts have been tweeting about him, saying he is a right-wing furry who was identified by their furry comrades.…

Portland Police has formally named Benjamin Smith as the suspect in the mass shooting involving #antifa. They say evidence was removed from the scene & are asking for cooperation from witnesses. Antifa accounts had called for destruction of…

Dajah Renee Beck, an #Antifa member who was shot at the antifa vs neighbor shooting in Portland, is now instructing comrades to return the evidence they took from the homicide scene. She has been arrested multiple times at riots & has a trial in May for multiple violent felonies.

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