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Defending #HumanRights, #democracy & #RuleOfLaw in the post-Soviets & 🇪🇺. Bronimy praw człowieka, demokracji i praworządności, bezpardonowo.

Feb 23, 2022, 12 tweets

1/📕Our biggest, most comprehensive report yet: how the Public Prosecutor's Office in 🇵🇱 became a tool to safeguard the interests of the ruling party in a mafia state.
50+ most shocking cases, old & new, in 8 categories + recommendations.
W/ @ThemisSedziow,polis…

2/🧵below we present just a few cases. Some you've heard of, others are barely known. In many cases, we've interviewed the victims themselves for a new level of detail.

Read all on our website or download the PDF here:…

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3/ Leaders of @strajkkobiet, @martalempart @KSuchanow @czerederecka👇
Dozens of absurd charges for taking to the streets in response to the illegal abortion ban. Political prosecutor H. Stachowicz harassing them for defending #HumanRights, with support from extremist @OrdoIuris🤬

4/ "The most hated judge in Poland", Waldemar Żurek. Fmr spokesperson of the National Judiciary Council, persecuted for standing up against PiS's assault on the #RuleOfLaw👇
Shoutout to CBA agents for their spectacular raids & interviewing a lumberjack for purchasing a tractor👏

5/ How Ziobro's politicised prosecution goes after their own, if they happen to care for its independence. Prosecutor Krasoń, @e_wrzosek & others from @lex_super_omnia, for standing up against the politicisation of the prosecution. Over a dozen cases & now illegal Pegasus hacks.

6/ And how about @JudgesSsp & @ThemisSedziow judges Markiewicz & @maciej_czajka facing criminal charges for commenting on how Poland should implement CJEU orders?😳
List of judges persecuted for following EU law in 🇵🇱 grows longer every day😢

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7/ Poland's most notorious attorney @GiertychRoman: Hated by PiS for representing @donaldtusk & relentlessly criticising the ruling camp. Dubious charges, illegal arrest, unlawful use of CBA agents while he was barely conscious in a hospital bed. Recently hacked with #Pegasus..👇

8/ What happens, when the democratic opposition wins the Senate & renowned surgeon @profGrodzki becomes its speaker?
A smear campaign begins, with the prosecution service at its core. Absurd bribery charges, CBA agents used to interview 180 (!) former patients.. No proof found.👇

9/ One of our favourite chapters: former PiS allies, so how the ruling camp persecutes those within their ranks who dare to defect. E.g neverending battle with NIK head @marian_banas, who refuses to give up despite attacks on him &his family✊

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10/ Proof of how vengeful & panically scared of accountability PiS is: using all tools at their disposal to unlawfully persecute former heads of 🇵🇱's security services who tried to remain independent or investigate PiS's abuses, incl. @PiotrPytel67 @JanuszNosek & @PawelWojtunik👇

11/ Likely the least known, yet most shocking abuse of the state prosecution: how PiS eliminates its business rivals, making sure they steal as much as possible while in power😡
Read about rail executive @KarnowskiJakub & entrepreneur Piotr Osiecki👇

12/ Last in malicious prosecution category: The Unfortunates.
Doctors caring for Ziobro's father;
@lewy_official's manager @CezaryKucharski;
@S_Koscielnik, who collided with PM Szydło😱

Tomorrow: PiS using prosecution to hide their abuses😡
Stay tuned!✌️

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