Open Dialogue Foundation / Fundacja Otwarty Dialog Profile picture
Defending #HumanRights, #democracy & #RuleOfLaw in the post-Soviets & 🇪🇺. Bronimy praw człowieka, demokracji i praworządności, bezpardonowo.
Andrea Mina Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 2, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
⚖️Our latest court victory against the PiS regime: secret services chief, minister @WasikMaciej is ordered to apologise in 3 leading pro-gov media for i.a claiming ODF had Russian connections, was a hybrid foundation & laundered money. Court found no merit to any of those claims. In its verdict "the court found no basis for the claim that ODF had Russian links, that it was undertaking hybrid activities aimed at destabilising or damaging the interests of the state, that it was involved in money laundering, or that @bartek_kramek has called for bloodshed"✌️
Jul 29, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
⚖️Sprawiedliwości stało się zadość! @WasikMaciej winny! Ma przeprosić za zarzucanie nam w TVP powiązań z Rosją, działań hybrydowych, prania pieniędzy, a @bartek_kramek wzywania do rozlewu krwi.
"W ocenie sądu nie budziło wątpliwości, że treści godziły w dobra osobiste Fundacji"✌️ W terminie 14 dni @WasikMaciej ma opublikować przeprosiny: "Ja, Maciej Wąsik, niniejszym przepraszam panią @LyudaKozlovska oraz p. @bartek_kramek za naruszenie ich dóbr os. w postaci dobrego imienia a także ODF za naruszenie jej dóbr os. w postaci renomy i dobrej sławy poprzez...
Feb 27, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
Mentre la #Russia di #Putin invade l'#Ucraina, bombardando civili, ospedali, massacrando gente innocente, il servizio pubblico manda in onda la peggiore propaganda russa senza fact checking né contraddittorio. Gli italiani pagano queste bugie: smontiamone alcune in un thread 1/ "La rivoluzione del 2014 fu un golpe fascista, a Kyiv governano i nazi" FALSO.Fu una rivoluzione di popolo per avvicinare l'Ucraina all'Europa. #Kyiv doveva firmare un accordo di associazione con l'UE e l'allora presidente lo rifiutò all'ultimo dopo pressioni inaudite da Mosca 2/
Feb 23, 2022 12 tweets 16 min read
1/📕Our biggest, most comprehensive report yet: how the Public Prosecutor's Office in 🇵🇱 became a tool to safeguard the interests of the ruling party in a mafia state.
50+ most shocking cases, old & new, in 8 categories + recommendations.
W/ @ThemisSedziow,polis… 2/🧵below we present just a few cases. Some you've heard of, others are barely known. In many cases, we've interviewed the victims themselves for a new level of detail.

Read all on our website or download the PDF here:…

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