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AusPolMate - Time for a break

Feb 24, 2022, 18 tweets

🧵1/ INDUE- Cashless Debit Card
"A card by any other name would control as much"
📺A video showing the both the Liberal & National party support for a nationwide Cashless Debit Card
📖A small thread to provide background/context for this crucial issue.
#Auspol #AlboForPM

2/ In 2007 (Liberal's Attempts 1.0) The Liberals pushed for a big bang approach, putting all government services onto one card. It was given the name the “Access Card”.
In 2016 (Liberal's Attempt 2.0) the creeping control began with the first trial of “Indue”

3/ The “Access Card” aimed to put all government services onto one card.
The legislation was created & tabled in parliament.
Imagine how easy it would be to privatise our social services if they are all on one system.

4/ The legislation was given the euphemistic name “Human Services (Enhanced Service Delivery)”.
The media was used to sell the benefits and to ignore the consequences. The Liberals didn't control all MSM then, so some dissenting stories appeared.

5/ The 2006-07 budget had wide ranging funding allocations for the ‘Access Card’, Including the purchase of the software, the transfer of government functions to support the new project.
In true Liberal ideology the system was design to establish operating surplus for MEDICARE

6/ At the same time the Liberals established the
1. 'inquiry into child sex abuse in the NT'
2. which produced the “Ampe Akelyernemane Meke Mekarle” (“Little Children are Sacred”) Report.
3. that led to the “NT Emergency Response” Act.
Labor took power 2 months later

4. ALP adopted the recommendations including trailing income management which was formalised with the Basicscard.
5. In 2014 Forest proposed the compulsory income management using a privatising model. This began being used in 2016.
6. Australians will vote to privatise welfarE

8/ The ‘BasicsCard’ was not perfect, however when compared to the Indue card the benefits of the Basicscard are readily apparent. Basics was run from within government with consumer protections, complaints and issues processes and the money remained the property of the person.

9/ The Liberal contempt for those less fortunate is displayed in many ways. The extraordinary act by the Liberals to leak a welfare recipients private information was Orwellian. If the CDC was used by all, the Liberals could weaponise shopping habits as well.

10/ “Less fortunate are worth less” is a core Liberal value. Anne Ruston using negative stereotypes to justify not giving more money to JobSeekers.
Scott Morrison can’t understand why people don’t support govt mandated drug testing. The absence of a moral compass is dangerous

11/ Pauline Hanson’s is the embodiment of policies based on ignorant negative stereotypes, her support for making the CDC mandatory for all welfare recipients is almost guaranteed.
Remember voting for Liberal means voting for Pauline and Malcom Roberts

12/ The hypocritical values of the company running the CDC is shown by its receipt of JobKeeper. There was no way they would have a decline in revenue & their existence is based on the principle of having tax payers money spent appropriately.

13/ Labor does not support the privatisation of welfare. Labor has put a bill into parliament to scrap the CDC. The government and key cross benches have blocked that bill. #AlboForPM

14/ What little research or tracking has been done has shown that the CDC does not achieve any of the goals the government said would be met. A few Liberals and National party people have recognised this, but fail to vote against scrapping the CDC.

15/ So here we are, if Labor are unable to form a government, the Liberals will say they have a mandate to expand the CDC to more places and more cohorts. If you do not want privatised social security then vote #AlboForPM

16/ Please share any of this. Whether on Twitter, Facebook or Tik Tok or anywhere people are unaware of the truths of the Cashless Debit Care, please share any of this.

17/ 890,000 CDC transactions have been declined, only 14% were the result of a prohibited item.
Women have been harrased at checkouts and called dole bludgers when the card is spotted.
The Liberals way of fixing the 'stigma' was to change the look of the card!!!

"The Older Women's Network" video has many examples of CDC's consequences on the lives of people who are already struggling.
Including the full story of the woman who was required to send in pictures of a bra

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