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Mar 1, 2022, 13 tweets

#BREAKING Russian army on outskirts of southern Ukrainian city Kherson: mayor

Russia invasion convoy masses near Ukraine capital.

Fears are growing that the invading forces are set to launch devastating assaults aimed at taking control of Kyiv and other major cities

#BREAKING Central square of Ukraine's second city, Kharkiv, shelled: governor

#UPDATE The central square of Ukraine's second city, Kharkiv, has been shelled by advancing Russian forces, governor Oleg Sinegubov says.

"Russian occupiers continue to use heavy weaponry against the civilian population," he says, adding the number of victims is not yet known

#BREAKING East Ukraine city Mariupol loses electricity after Russian attacks

#BREAKING UK sanctions Russia's largest lender Sberbank: Treasury

#BREAKING Munich orchestra dismisses star Russian conductor Gergiev over Ukraine: mayor

#UPDATE Britain's Treasury says it is adding top lender Sberbank to its list of Russian entities sanctioned over the invasion of Ukraine.

The move comes after the government said it will freeze the UK assets of all Russian banks, and ordered UK ports to turn away Russian ships

#BREAKING Shipping giant Maersk to stop deliveries to Russian ports: statement

Map of #Ukraine locating areas where explosions, strikes and fighting have been reported and under Russian control, as of March 1, 0730 GMT

#BREAKING Russia stripped of hosting 2022 Volleyball World Championships: federation

#UPDATE The key south eastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol on the Azov Sea has been left without electricity following attacks from advancing Russian forces, the head of the region Pavlo Kyrylenko says

#UPDATE Danish shipping giant Maersk says it will stop taking new non-essential orders to and from Russia, due to sanctions imposed over Moscow's invasion of #Ukraine

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