Stephen Profile picture

Mar 6, 2022, 6 tweets

Adventures in ventilation from last weekend’s flight on @AirCanada Airbus320 with about 130+ people on board

Ventilation at #yyj airport foyer good, as noted by the pCO2 monitor (outdoors ~ 420; under 800 ideal as proxy for good ventilation to mitigate #COVIDisAirborne ) 1/

In lineup for security, high plexiglass barriers preventing good circulation; CO2 rising

On the gangway to the plane, waiting to board


We had to de-ice. 40+ minutes waiting on the ground with 130+ people breathing each other’s air, and the @AirCanada ventilation system not turned on yet (it doesn’t start till the engines are on)

Glad I was wearing my #N95 😷


30 minutes after takeoff, and the aircraft’s ventilation system now running (CO2 high, but at least the circulated air is going through the aircraft’s #HEPA filters now)

Stayed about this level for remainder of 4.5 hr flight


- airport ventilation systems seem good (same at #yyz)
- as crowd density increases in the airport, the CO2 climbs to the 600-800 levels
- before aircraft engines and ventilation fans start, CO2 goes ballistic. Can @AirCanada improve ventilation during that period?


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