Aidos Abdramanov🇰🇿🇺🇦🇸🇩 Profile picture
Волонтёр правозащитного движения «Femina Virtute» #Kazakhstan 🇰🇿

Mar 12, 2022, 8 tweets

05.03.2022 City of #Semey #Ust-Kamenogorsk 
Aigul Bekkhozhina shared a story about her brother Nurlan #Zhailaubayev, born in 1974. He has been in the pre-trial detention facility of Ust-Kamenogorsk city since January 11, 2022.


At noon on January 11, 2022, when Nurlan was getting back from work, strangers wearing masks tied him up as if he was a criminal and took him away. He was kept in the isolation cell for 2 days. His family was not informed about his location.


Nurlan’s family was searching for him and finally found him. He was detained for 2 days. He was tortured, strangled and forced to acknowledge the deeds that he had not done.


All sorts of tortures were applied against him, therefore he signed the documents and admitted his guilt.


Nurlan Zhailaubayev went to join the protest, however he didn’t reach the square, he was not too far away from it. He stayed there for some time and got back home. He is condemned for being a member of “Oyan Qazaq”.


The Ust-Kamenogorsk Mayor did not accept us and put forward people in black masks who pushed us out. We made multiple requests to meet, we were not given a chance.


Firstly, those who came with the idea of 20 000 terrorists must be found. Secondly, I demand that innocent children and brothers must be released! We hope for your help. We don’t have any other way. We urgently ask you, please help us.”


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