Aidos Abdramanov🇰🇿🇺🇦🇸🇩 Profile picture
Волонтёр правозащитного движения «Femina Virtute» #Kazakhstan 🇰🇿

Mar 14, 2022, 6 tweets


On 5 March 2022 I received the images of my building I live in, the section of the building and the balcony to my WhatsApp messenger from an unknown phone number.


Following these images, I also received a threatening message of religious nature. Due to this threat, on the same day I filed a complaint to the Munaily District Police Department.


The complaint was received by the police captain #KOISHANOV Amir Zhaksybayevich; a few hours later he notified me that my complaint was left without consideration.


This is an explicit proof that this police associate KOISHANOV Amit is an ally of the salafites, who acted as instigators.


The latter acted based on guidance from the National Security Committee and threatened peaceful citizens during the January protests in Aktau, incited disorder and at this moment are threatening me and a human rights activist Aigul #AKBERDY with an assault.


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