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Mar 16, 2022, 26 tweets

Does anyone have any more info to confirm or refute what this American mercenary is saying? If his statements are true, then #Ukraine is a deathtrap for foreign fighters.

This goes along with what he is saying... nytimes.com/live/2022/03/1…

I can't respect Americans like the guy who left behind his wife & kids to go fight Russians in Ukraine "to keep the fight from reaching the homeland (the USA)". People who seek out opportunities to kill for money are as bad as rest of the war industry.

Henry Locke, the guy in the original video at the top of this thread, self-identified as a Boogaloo in 2021.

A local paper that did a story on Henry Hoeft (aka Locke) going to Ukraine to fight. He says that the FBI contacted him to encourage him not to go to Ukraine.

Henry Hoeft (Locke) defending a trans-woman from a heckler.

Henry Hoeft/Locke in Poland with two other foreign fighters on their way to Ukraine a week ago.

Henry Hoeft/Locke looks like he became further radicalized over time.

Henry Hoeft/Locke was definitely displaying increasingly alarming rhetoric and behavior.

Henry Hoeft/Locke posted radicalized militia type imagery.

Henry Hoeft/Locke participated in an armed demonstration in Newport News, Virginia in October 2020, along side Mike Dunn - a radical who has suggested an armed uprising against the federal government. RT News covered the incident. Maybe that's a reason Hoeft hates Russians?

Henry Hoeft/Locke, seen here with a Boogaloo militia in Ohio, supported calls for the execution of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Henry Hoeft/Locke once served in the US military as an infantryman. He was employed at one point by Ohio Steel Industries as a technician.

The Georgian National Legion is a paramilitary unit started in 2014, made up of foreign mercenaries, and used primarily to fight Russian & Russian-backed forces in Donbass. A tour in Ukraine is a minimum 6 month commitment. They are different from the Ukraine Foreign Legion.

These kids are going to die for nothing. Contrary to what many assume, playing Call of Duty for years in your mom's basement doesn't prepare you for real combat.

When you sign up to get paid to kill Russians for the Ukrainian government and the western banking alliance, you sign a contract with a binding time commitment. When you become a deserter, you can be tracked down and punished.

I've spent an hour reading through posts in a forum for volunteers who are fighting in Ukraine. A recurrent theme is that they had no idea in advance how badly Ukraine was losing to Russia because the fake western war propaganda has made it seem like Ukraine was holding its own.

Volunteers who went to fight in Ukraine who had previous war experience in Iraq & Afghanistan are now deserting. They aren't being given the support or weapons they need - and the Russian forces are just way too powerful, despite what the media makes it seem like.

After recording these Russian cruise missile strikes on a NATO training base in Ukraine for foreign fighters, this US Marine Corps vet/EMT joined others in deserting to Poland where he uploaded this clip. At least 35 fighters were killed and 134 injured by the 8 cruise missiles.

This audio reminds me A LOT of the enhanced audio clips of the planes hitting the World Trade Center in 2001.

A Reuters article talking about the Russian strike on the NATO training base that caused dozens of foreign fighters to call it quits in Ukraine. reuters.com/world/europe/a…

God, how I wish that all members of the US military could experience a shift in perspective like this. A lot of the people that our media teaches us to hate are not "terrorists". They are just average civilians who were traumatized by western warfare & had nothing else to lose.

Here is a video by a foreign fighter (French, I assume) who was near the NATO training base in Ukraine the night of the Russian cruise missiles hit. Clearly, the experience was traumatic for him.

Veteran war reporter Nolan Peterson who has lived in #Kyiv for the last 8 years shares info from a US mercenary. The merc describes how Russia wiped out nearly two hundred foreign fighters, many he had been living with. Conditions are grim.

Russia hit the #Yavoriv base (a #NATO training site for foreign fighters). Ukraine reported "at least 35" deaths. The UK says "possibly well over 100 dead", including British special forces. Russia claims "up to 180" mercenary deaths, plus destruction of a large weapons cache.

Here is a photo of the Yavoriv military training center in Ukraine following the March 13 Russian missile strike. Between 100-180 foreign fighters were killed in the attack. Dozens of anti-Russian mercenaries deserted after this incident & escaped across the border into Poland.

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