H I Sutton Profile picture
See you over on BlueSky instead of here Independent Defense Analysis, Unconventional Naval Warfare, author, submarines, OSINT, illustrations. Mostly typos

Mar 18, 2022, 7 tweets

**Friday thought**


EU or western governments should set up dedicated information and analysis units using open source intelligence (OSINT) and commercially sourced imagery to monitor and record 'areas of interest'

To win the information war with facts

The unit would see itself as transparency and analysis.

It must never get involved in the less savory aspects of "information warfare" lest its information becomes tainted.

Documenting the build up of #Russian Forces before the invasion of #Ukraine showed the benefit of OSINT.

And certain western govs/militaries played a part.

But it could have been done better.

It would be civilian, partitioned off from military intelligence and not have any access to classified material

Permitted data sources would also be chosen to avoid compromising less well known OSINT

So they could share directly with government at all levels, media and public

Such organizations would be clearly governed and have rules of their road

It could be invaluable during conflict, but maybe even more valuable in peacetime

Such a capability would need to be permanent. Reacting in times of tension is too slow

To add and clarify. Militaries and gov do use OSINT, to varying degrees.

But that is different.

This would be set up to disseminate information to public and media.

That's the bit which is inherently weak if it is within the intelligence community

Also, Bellingcat is different and sees itself differently

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