Annie Kia Profile picture
Climate disruption is real. So is evolution, and biology. Gender stereotypes are regressive. Kids that like the ‘wrong’ toys should not be put on hormones.

Mar 19, 2022, 15 tweets

The rain event that flooded Lismore collapsed landscapes.
It shattered hillsides. Roads broke apart and fell down valleys.
Hillsides fell on houses.

This thread gives a glimpse of the cost of inaction on #ClimateDisruption


For every 1°C of #GlobalWarming, the atmosphere holds an additional 7% water vapour. The extra heat (energy) means more extreme events.

On Tuntable Creek Rd, a neighbour measured 810mm. That’s 32 inches.

This is our road.

#nswpol #auspol

These impacts are across the whole Northern Rivers.
This is a landscape collapse event.
The word ‘flood’ does not describe what happened here.

Images in this thread were captured by many people & shared on social media

#nswpol #auspol #LismoreFloods


The road network is shattered.
These cracks are much more serious than landslide debris.

All around the caldera, roads are broken.

#NSWFloods #nswpol #ClimateDenial #auspol

The scale of this beggars belief.
So many roads are impassable or closed to anyone but locals.
So many roads are dangerous.

#NorthernRivers #nswpol #auspol


The scale of landscape impacts leaves us speechless. I don’t know who took this photo at Doon Doon.

If we increase water vapour & heat from greenhouse gases we’ll have even more intensity.

We must stop coal, gas & deforestation. They drive #GlobalWarming

#auspol #nswpol

You won’t believe the scale of this til I show you more photos.

#ClimateDenial is expensive.

#NorthernRivers #nswpol #auspol


More on the landscape collapse in the #NorthernRivers

#nswpol #NSWFloods #auspol


The costs of #ClimateDisruption.
Broken roads. Broken bridges.
Broken Lives.

#NorthernRivers #nswpol #auspol #GlobalWarming

For every 1°C of global warming, the atmosphere holds 7% more water.

We have passed 1°C.
We’re heading for 3°C or more on current trajectories.

#nswpol #auspol #NorthernRivers #NSWFloods #LismoreFloods

My friend Aidan Ricketts rescued 22 people in #Lismore.
Community spirit is incredible. Brave generous people.
But our political leaders failed us.
When will they ditch donations from Big Gas & Big Coal?
When will they grow a spine?
#nswpol #auspol…

A lot of the images in this thread were gathered from social media by Jenny Leunig and collated in her Facebook album which is particularly focussed on the northern side of the caldera.

#NorthernRiversFloods #ClimateEmergency…

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