Olga Onuch (Онух) Profile picture
Professor Comparative & Ukrainian Politics @OfficialUoM Democracy@War📚Zelensky Effect @IBIFUkraine Prev @HURI_Harvard @NuffieldCollege @politics_oxford @uoft

Mar 19, 2022, 9 tweets

Real time #DataforUkraine on #civilianresistance, #humanrightsabuses, #internallydisplacedpeople & #humanitarianneeds #RussianInvasionOfUkraine. Hourly information 4 jurnos, citizens, NGOs, & policymakers working in/on #Ukraine check it out mlp.trinity.duke.edu/dataforukraine… 🧵 1/7

#DataForUkraine we know 3 hrs sooner than media of potential warm crimes with this data on human rights abuses. The spikes mean a significant event has occurred. Our detailed data= when what & how & will be helpful to @DmytroKuleba @ICJ_org @ECHR_CEDH @hrw @HRF @UNHumanRights 2/7

#DataForUkraine we know 3 hrs sooner than the media can report of major internal displacement & displaced people fleeing on the move. Again, spikes mean a significant event of displacement has occurred. Our detailed data let’s us know where that is happening. 3/7

#DataForUkraine again we know 3 hrs sooner than the media has a chance to report new humanitarian needs as well as successful support being delivered. Our detailed data let’s us know if it is needs or support and it’s location. 4/7

#DataForUkraine This map graphs the incidence of reporting on our four event types across the districts (rayons) of Ukraine. More specifically, it shows the percent change in reporting over the last hour in each rayon. 5/7

#DataForUkraine The broader network of tweets we collect on the war in Ukraine allow us to identify the most significant sources of Russian mis/disinformation. These are the 30 most tweeted accounts spreading mis/disinformation. Coming soon: mlp.trinity.duke.edu/disinformation… 6/7

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