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Creator of the one true native wild bee sanctuary on the planet - The Bee Sanctuary of Ireland. The only certified vegan organic land in Ireland. Disruptive.

Mar 20, 2022, 9 tweets

#Bee Twitter - I put up a thread last Sunday about queen #bumblebees this time of year and how to help - thanks to you it got 800k+ impressions meaning tens of thousands of people are better ‘bee informed’.
Can we do it again?
PLEASE RETWEET this new thread to help save more 1/9

#queens. Bumblebees don’t understand glass - they get confused and trapped and exhausted. Likewise with polytunnel plastic. So if you see or hear a #bumblebee buzzing & banging against your window she’s not trying to get into your house to hang with you - she’s confused. 2/9

If she’s already inside your house and is buzzing at the window she’s trapped. So you need to get her out &
as quickly as you can - don’t leave her suffer while you do something else. Why?
#Bumblebees with a full stomach have about 40 minutes of ‘energy’ in them before they 3/9

..need to refuel with nectar.
So if she spends 30 minutes frantically flying against a window - that doesn’t leave much in the tank. So that easy kind gesture of simply walking over & helping her out makes a huge difference. Likewise if you have a polytunnel or glasshouse for 4/9

…growing. Bees pollinate many of your flowers/crops so the least you can do is to spend a few minutes at the end of the day making sure any trapped #bees are helped out. This is even more important at this time of year as it is predominantly #bumblebee queens who are on the 5/9

…wing and every queen that survives is a colony that gets to exist.
Bumblebee queens sit on their eggs to keep them warm and if the queen does not get back in time to maintain this heat the first brood of eggs may perish and the colony fail. So just a small bit of awareness 6/9

…vigilance and timely effort by you could save a queen bee.
If this queen then founds and maintains a colony which produces even just 10 new queen #bees then your kind act within 5 years theoretically could be responsible for 10,000 bumblebee colonies.
Think about that! 7/9

When helping her out always be careful & patient. If the window doesn’t open you can use a glass/piece of card to catch her. In polytunnels a kid’s fishing net is great or grow flowers she likes just outside the doors to help attract her out. Please retweet to help share this 8/9

…knowledge. I’m not on here for likes but for impact to help the planet’s #native #wild #bees.
So I’ll only ask for retweets to get help to spread vital information to help people help bees.
To get #bee Twitter active in doing good.
Thanks for your help.
For caring! 9/9

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