NASA Earth Profile picture
NASA’s favorite (habitable) planet. 🌎💚 Studying Earth from ground to orbit. Verification:

Mar 22, 2022, 5 tweets

Earth, the water planet. Its lakes, rivers, and oceans hold a crucial element for life. Earth-orbiting satellites help us track and better understand how this water moves around the globe. #WorldWaterDay

Groundwater – hidden from plain sight – is a vital source of water that can be difficult to track. The GRACE-FO mission detects subtle changes in Earth’s gravity caused by the movement of water, like from groundwater and polar ice.

Our favorite fruits, veggies, and grains depend on water. @NASA missions like SMAP and ECOSTRESS monitor soil moisture and drought, giving farmers a more complete picture and informing agricultural decisions.

Climate change is making droughts more frequent and severe. Water managers across the U.S. turn to several @NASA tools that help tackle drought and manage increasingly limited water supplies.

If you need a little something else to snack on, build a tasty cheese board with the help of one critical element – water. NASA data included.

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