Aidos Abdramanov🇰🇿🇺🇦🇸🇩 Profile picture
Волонтёр правозащитного движения «Femina Virtute» #Kazakhstan 🇰🇿

Mar 23, 2022, 8 tweets

12 March 2022 #Semey

#MUKANOV Berikkhan, the father of activist and political prisoner #BERIKKHANULY Yernar, is demanding that the authorities stop the politically motivated prosecution of his son and release him immediately.


BERIKKHANULY Yernar is arbitrarily charged with criminal offences under Article 269 (“An attack against building, construction, means of communication and communication or their capture”) and Article 272 part 2 ("Participation in mass disorders").


Yernar has been held in a pre-trial detention facility since 6 January during the period of investigation into his trumped-up criminal case.


The activist was arbitrarily detained on 6 January after which he was sent to the pre-trial detention facility where he was tortured and beaten.


This resulted in damaging one of his eyes, and now this 25-year-old young man in his prime can't open his eye.On 6 January BERIKKHANULY Yernar participated in a peaceful protest held in the square of the city.


There, he spoke out about price hikes and other issues in our country.


This story is yet another example of the arbitrariness and political motive of the prosecution of our peaceful citizens. Abzal #KUSPAN
Elvira #AZIMOVA, the Commissioner for Human rights in #Kazakhstan Zhemis #TURMAGAMBETOVA.


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