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Mar 23, 2022, 19 tweets

#BREAKING Russia will only accept rubles for gas deliveries to 'unfriendly countries', which include all EU members: Putin

#BREAKING UN's labour agency suspends cooperation with Russia 'until a ceasefire is agreed', 'peaceful resolution is implemented' in Ukraine

#BREAKING NATO to deploy four new 'battle groups' to eastern members: Stoltenberg

#BREAKING NATO allies set to agree 'additional support' to Ukraine against nuclear, chemical threats: Stoltenberg

#BREAKING China providing political support to Russia with 'blatant lies': NATO chief

Map of #Ukraine locating the humanitarian corridors agreed between Ukraine and Russia and open on March 23 to allow the evacuation of civilians from areas hit by shelling #AFPgraphics

#BREAKING Ukraine President Zelensky, during address to French parliament, calls on French companies to quit Russia

#UPDATE Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on French companies including carmaker Renault, supermarket group Auchan and DIY retailer Leroy Merlin to leave Russia, during an address to the French parliament on Wednesday

#BREAKING Russia's demand for gas payment in rubles a 'breach of contract': Germany

#BREAKING New Western sanctions to target Russian 'political figures, oligarchs': US official

#BREAKING US assesses Russian forces committed war crimes in Ukraine: Blinken

#BREAKING Russia expels US diplomats in tit-for-tat move: official

#UPDATE President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday Russia will only accept payments in rubles for gas deliveries to "unfriendly countries", which include all EU members, after Moscow was hit by unprecedented sanctions over #Ukraine

#UPDATE The United States has reached the assessment that Russian military forces committed war crimes in Ukraine, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced Wednesday

#BREAKING Russian journalist killed in Kyiv shelling: media outlet

Russian journalist Oksana Baulina, who worked for the investigative news outlet The Insider, was killed when Russian troops shelled a residential neighbourhood in the Ukrainian capital, the outlet said Wednesday, the latest reporter to die in war

#UPDATE A bloodied but defiant #Ukraine appealed Wednesday ahead of a major NATO summit for more Western weapons to fight what the United States formally labelled Russian "war crimes"

#BREAKING Ukraine's Zelensky urges global protests against Russia's war

#UPDATE Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday urged citizens around the world to take to the streets to stop Russia's invasion of his country

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