Satyendra Dhar, MD SFHM Profile picture
Hospitalist; Assistant Clinical Professor MSU & CMU 🕊️'Views are my Own' 🕊️ 'The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know Nothing 💐

Mar 31, 2022, 15 tweets

#MedTwitter #MedEd #USMLE #FOAMed #hospitalist #mbbs #medicine #doctor



4-chloro-N-(2-furyl-methyl)-5-sulfamoyl-anthranilic acid, member of the sulfa’s. Potent natriuretic drug, inhibits Na+-K+-2Cl− cotransporter in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle.
Direct Vd effects results in its therapeutic effectiveness in the Rx of acute pulm edema.


Vasodilation leads to reduced responsiveness to vasoconstrictors, such as angiotensin II and noradrenaline, and decreased production of endogenous natriuretic hormones with vasoconstricting properties.


Furosemide strongly binds to plasma proteins (91–99%), particularly to anionic sites on albumin. Severe hypoalbuminemia might impair diuretic effectiveness, owing to impaired delivery to the kidney, and albumin administration might enhance natriuresis.


Renal actions peak within 1 h after oral & within 5 min after IV administration. The half-time (T½) ranges from 0.5–2 h, but can be ⬆️ in renal failure. The duration of natriuretic effect is supposedly ∼6 h after oral & ∼2 h after single-dose IV administration, but can vary.

Furosemide increases kaliuresis indirectly by promoting K+ secretion by increased distal tubular fluid flow.

The ratio of equipotent doses of furosemide-to-bumetanide is 40:1 in normal individuals, that ratio declines as kidney dysfunction progresses


A bolus IV results in a strong natriuresis with FENa in healthy individuals >25% with peak Na+ excretion of ∼5 mmol/min.

Should not be given- rapid IV push. There are no data related to the optimal time of a single IV dose, the reasonable is 20- 40 mg over 5 min.


A large study in HF patients was unable to demonstrate that continuous IV furosemide was more effective in ⬇️ volume overload than bolus IV. However, continuous IV therapy may be less ototoxic than bolus therapy & maintains a sustained effective rate of diuretic excretion.


Deafness/tinnitus appear to result from ⬆️ serum concentration, which inhibit an Na-K-2Cl isoform.This transport protein, which is different from that expressed along the thick ALH, is expressed by the stria vascularis & participates in secretion of potassium-rich endolymph.


IV Furosemide in Acute HF

The initial dose of IV should be approx 2-2.5 times the patient's home oral dose.

If there is little or no response, the dose should be x2 at two-hour intervals, PRN, up to the max recommended doses.


Doses higher than the "maximum effective dose" often produce further diuresis, with less Na excretion/mg of diuretic administered.

Pts who do not have an adequate response to a maximal IV dose are unlikely to respond to another loop diuretic since their MOI are similar.


Repetitive admins ➡️ short-term (braking phenomenon, acute diuretic resistance) & long-term (chronic resistance) adaptations- mechanisms not known. The braking phen. is the ⬇️ in the response after the first dose & is a physiological response to avoid ECFV contraction.


Causes of diuretic resistance:

- Delayed absorption.
- Reduced secretion into the tubular lumen (its site of action).
- Compensatory retention of Na after the effective period of the diuretic.
- Hypertrophy & hyperplasia of epithelial cells of the DCT.


Approach to resistance:

-Assess compliance- salt & med intake.
-Discontinue NSAIDs.
-Adjust the dose of the meds in pts with renal impairment.
-Switch to IV to overcome impaired absorption.
-Continuous IV may succeed.
-Combine with other diuretics preferably a thiazides.


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