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Apr 4, 2022, 70 tweets

#Ukraine / #Russia war thread
Day 40:

[My Telegram channel:]
[Wanna buy me a coffee? β˜• πŸ”½

An-225 Mriya,
Hostomel, Kyiv oblast

Satellite images show long trench at Ukrainian mass grave site, Maxar says…

Irpin, Kyiv oblast
Victims of Russian aggression were buried in courtyards

Irpin, Kyiv oblast
Victims of Russian aggression were buried in courtyards

Irpin, Kyiv oblast
Victims of Russian aggression were buried in courtyards

Aftermath of Russian strikes,
Borodyanka, Kyiv oblast

Aftermath of yesterday's Russian strikes on Mykolaiv,

Bucha, Kyiv oblast

Borodyanka, Kyiv oblast

Borodyanka, Kyiv oblast

Kyivs'ka St

Russian BMP-3 column

Ukrainian woman stole a box of ammunition from Russians, hid it in the rabbit hutch and handed it over to Ukrainian forces after their village got liberated
Kyiv oblast


Russian shelling on Kharkiv

Four people died and 30 were injured due to Russian shelling on Kharkiv
"Among the victims are three children aged 3, 5 and 17"
Kharkiv oblast Police Communication Department


Liberated Bucha, Kyiv oblast

Updated summary of Russian losses since the beginning of the invasion
[Published & claimed by the Ukrainian Army]

Grounded Ukrainian BMD-2, seized by DNR
Donetsk oblast


[A few days ago]

Yesterday /
CCTV footage of nightly Russian shelling on Mykolaiv

.@ZelenskyyUa's latest message
[Published last night]

.@ZelenskyyUa's latest message
[Published last night]

.@ZelenskyyUa's latest message
[Published last night]

.@ZelenskyyUa's latest message
[Published last night]

.@ZelenskyyUa's latest message
[Published last night]

Aftermath of nightly Russian shelling on Kulynychi
Kharkiv oblast

Fire in Kharkiv due to Russian shelling

Destroyed / Grounded Russian equipment,
Ichnya, Chernihiv oblast

Destroyed / Grounded Russian equipment,
Ichnya, Chernihiv oblast

. #TractorWars #Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Kharkiv, yesterday.

Kharkiv, yesterday


Zhytomyr highway

Kharkiv, yesterday

Interception reported over Makiivka, Donetsk region

Yesterday /
Russian CM caught on CCTV footage from Mykolaiv.

#Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

.@ZelenskyyUa's premiered message in 64th #GrammyAwards

"Our musicians wear body armours instead of tuxedos, they sing to the wounded in hospitals, even to those who can't hear them, but the music will break through, anyway"

#Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Bucha, Kyiv oblast
#Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Grounded / captured Russian equipment,
Brovary, Kyiv oblast


Zelenskyy visited Bucha, where numerous bodies of civilians were found by Ukrainian army after recapturing the city from Russians.
Kyiv oblast

More images from Zelenskyy's visit to Bucha, Kyiv oblast


Yesterday /
Russian missile launch from the occupied Kherson towards the Mykolaiv

Chuhuiv, Kharkiv oblast

Odessa, April 3, 2022


Yeah, that'll work just fine

Odessa, yesterday

Odessa, yesterday

Odessa, yesterday

Air raid sirens in Kyiv
Time: 18:17 Local / 1517Z
#Ukraine #Kyiv πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Air raid sirens in Kyiv
Time: 22:40 Local / 1940Z
#Ukraine #Kyiv πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Tahanroz'ka, Mariupol

Roughly two-thirds of Russian forces used to target Ukraine's capital departed Kyiv and are refitting in Belarus, a senior defense official speaking on background said today…

Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin's Call With Ukraine's Minister of Defence Oleksii Reznikov…

Apparently the Russian forces have captivated this girl for at least 3 times!
Her last appearance was in the Kadyrov's tonight video, where Adam Delimkhanov was giving a speech to the "264 surrendered Ukrainian forces"!

Kadyrov's post, for the record.

End of the thread, 41st day reports will be posted in the quoted thread ⬇️

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