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Movie/TV Series thoughts mostly in the form of very long threads. DC Comics fan. #RebelMoon Era.

Apr 4, 2022, 19 tweets

It’s a new Monday so time for a new entry to #BatmanvSuperman to the broad DC lore. Today we have the scene Batmobile Chase marking the grand entrance of Batman classical vehicle. All about the references in this scene in the thread below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse

I want to start first by referencing a comic that has tons of inspiration from Batfleck in the Snyderverse in a #ZackSnyderistheblueprint moment. This run is The Batman’s Grave which came out in 2019.

Right out of the bat (pun intended) we can observe that the Batmobile in this comic is heavily inspired by the one created for #BatmanvSuperman.

Even there are very similar moments to the whole chase scene.

There are also similarities on the entrance to the batcave and the batcave itself.

Additionally, Bruce is cowless during a big part of this run, in front of computers just like at the end of this scene in #BatmanvSuperman

Once I discovered this, I started seeing more and more similarities in this comic run with Batfleck. A couple I mentioned in the Dreams and the Glass house thread I did some time ago about Martha and Thomas Wayne’s tombs.

Aside from that, the cowl, the knuckles and in general the batsuit is similar to the one used by Batfleck.

We also get Bruce in the shower, feeling down, worried by his own thoughts, what he is going through as in #BatmanvSuperman.

Even the fighting style displayed in The Batman’s Grave is brutal, full of different styles, and share lots of similarities with the Warehouse scene in BvS. Overall, it is clear that #BatmanvSuperman was a huge inspiration for this run.

We move to the second part of the thread with more random references to the DC lore. At the beginning of the scene, we get a Batman shot inspired by The Dark Knight Returns #1.

Then, there is a reference to Nicholson Terminal & Docik Company which might be due to Jack Nicholson being the Joker.

Superman picking up the batmobile doors looks like a panel from The Dark Knight Returns #4 of him throwing the bat-tank.

We also get the iconic shot of Superman and Batman facing off in their classic suits. I like how this look like a little bit like a shot from World’s Finest from Superman: The Animated Series

We also have Ben Affleck as cowless Batman which looks very similar to Bruce Wayne in Batman #22 from the Flashpoint run.

And to finish the scene, there is another might-be-Joker reference in a shot from the back of Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor which resembles a shot from the back of Heath Ledger’s Joker in The Dark Knight. That is all for today, and always remember #RestoreTheSnyderVerse

Doing some more research I found additional interesting references from this #BvS scene to Justice League: The New Frontier Special #1, especially Batman and Superman confrontation.

And even the Batmobile crashing after hitting Superman is there! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse

Adding a bonus track from Nightwing (2016) #89 to this scene!

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