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Apr 9, 2022, 42 tweets

Dear Dr @julieposetti I am watching your #ijf22talk with @ranaayyub & I thought it best to #livetweet my analsyis of your talk as I watch it on my phone after downloading it.

I want to see if attendee of Nov2010 JEAA Sydney conference, who livetweeted then, did justice today!

Great setting, I must say Dr @julieposetti - looks like everything has been planned to perfection in such intricate details- backdrop of #ijf22talk, the colors incl color of costumes,JP & Rana are wearing & their seating arrangement in perfect contrast to make a visual impact!

As a trained Chartered Accoutnant with exp of forensic auditing, I can’t help but notice & give suggestions -howsoever stupid or idiotic it might sound -so here is one to Dr @julieposetti -the color of speaker’s podium shud have matched that of walls for grater impact #ijf22talk

Moving on to the intro part.

Dr @julieposetti, I wish #ijf22talk organisers had released transcript of both, talk as well as @ranaayyub address to those present in the hall & globally. It would have saved me lot of time & effort. Nonetheless,let me share my analysis of ur part!

Dr @julieposetti, apropos👇🏻

- @ranaayyub is there not because “you demanded” but coz India is ruled under a constitution with rule of law & free courts. Our legal system even gave full freedom to 2611 perpetrator, Kasab who killed on camera, chance to prove himself not guilty!

Dr @julieposetti FYI, case which @ranaayyub is facing is not an ordinary case but one of forrx violation/ fraud of $ 236,000. Surely that is a big money by even your own standards. Sharing a story carried by @ThePrintIndia of @ShekharGupta for ur perusal…

Wow,how liberally can u folks in west use word genocide or potential genocide,Dr @julieposetti.You come from Australia & represents the race that invaded land of aboriginals, reducing them to museum piece;that is what genocide does.

FYI, Ind is home to 2nd largest M population!

And Dr @julieposetti , @ranaayyub is NOT being victimised for her faith ; she is being made to face a law for fraud of $236000. U shud read abt Rajan Pillai- India’s biscuit baron & his fate under @INCIndia Govt, while facing case of similar violation.

And Dr @julieposetti , I request you to at least read unbiased and neutral journalists of this country to know about the work of @ranaayyub; being propped up by likes of Soros & Berggruen will give u award and international fame but not credibility. Wish u had researched more!

Somewhere in your intro part, you claimed to have researched 85 million tweets directed at her. Need I remind you of one @julieposetti who attended a Nov 10 conference and was handed a defamation notice by Chris Mitchell for her 3 tweets?…

Dear Dr @julieposetti do u remember the outpouring of support for urself then?Ever wonder why @ranaayyub doesn’t have that support & u had 85 million tweets to mine. Barring westerners running foundations on charity & questionable money & their folks,she has no one backing her!

Dr @julieposetti , by the way, u introduced @ranaayyub as an editor of a magazine. Surely, someone with ur journalistic credentials shud have bothered to check abt magazine- owner & EiC was once accused of rape by a girl, his daughter’s age & employee…

Dr @julieposetti , yes @ranaayyub has published a book but neither was that independent nor factual. You and your team could have searched the worldwideweb to check millions of references that expose each n every lie; even courts have proved every claim of hers as incorrect. Yet!

Dr @julieposetti, good that u ended , before putting any further context as there was none left for you to glorify, shamelessly so, a person like @ranaayyub. By the time u ended 113 seconds long intro, u buried @julieposetti of 2010,113 ft. under heap of propaganda full of lies!

Let me now check her speech part and come back to Dr @julieposetti with my thoughts on her speech. As a heads up and given my views of Rana, I know it will be torturous and painful but I promise to do it with my objectivity and sanity, intact!

Phew; 12 mins 22 secs!

Default message b4 everything she uttered in her speech shud b this 4 second clip!

Dr @julieposetti ,this speech is full of so many lies that courts will find it difficult to ignore her anymore-tied herself in knots with long rope that court gave her!

Uff… what a opening!

All my life I only thought that lie has no legs but now I know that lie wear long heel shoes on no legs!

BTW, @julieposetti, u shud have correlated these two parts- joined by me - to know how everything Rana says stands on ‘real’ shaky grounds!

Forgot to carry winter clothes but carried high 👠- is it a girly thing or perhaps both Dr @julieposetti & @ranaayyub knowing it in advance for reasons mentioned below. Either way a lame attempt & I trust Dr Posetti to ignore it; but will know only when I reach #ijf22talk part!

Topic of @julieposetti’s #ijf22talk- when the state attacks: journalism under fire in worlds biggest democracy!

Hee speech began with 1st concern - @MEAIndia ‘s abstention in the vote against Russia- ok now she wants India to vote as per her whims and fancies or of sponsors!

Glad that @ranaayyub miraculously recovered from polio & I req @WHO to make her a poster girl of their polio prog in Af-Pak so that Muslim parents don’t delay administration of pulse polio vaccines to their kids. I sincerely it was wasn’t that reason in her own case!

And I request Shri @mansukhmandviya Ji to appoint a committee in health ministry to study miraculous recovery of @ranaayyub from polio so that kids affected by this disease globally benefit from her experience. Pl @julieposetti convince her of this!

Dr @julieposetti few points to ponder:

1. Did her father file any FIR to corroborate this?
2. Do read how this riot was NOT anti M riot but in retaliation after Hindu workers were stabbed & killed in M majority areas like Dongri & Hindus,incl a disabled girl was burnt alive.

BTW perfectly crafted story: a 9 years old Muslim survivor of polio being saved by a Sikh man, along with her sister, from rape by a Hindu mob on the rampage- painful reality is that her lies will keep on getting bigger n bigger with such conferences!

Here comes another lie and this time it is about our home minister Shri @AmitShah Ji ‘s false arrest in encounter of a terrorist Soharabuddin Sheikh!…

@julieposetti , I again implore you to READ, READ and READ to know how u all r aiding a compulsive liar!

Dear @HMOIndia , in no way should you allow a journalist to malign India and the institution of Home Minister of the country, in the way @ranaayyub did here. Courts must be asked to stop her from such baseless & false misrepresentations at int’l forum

Only thing that changed after ur self claimed undercover operation is that ur identity is NO LONGER FAKE and you now wear ur real identity everywhere u go, but this 12 min speech is enough to prove yet again- millionth time- that @ranaayyub remains a propagandist! #ijf22talk

Imagine she is lying abt not finding a publisher during days when UPA Govt was trying its level best to implicate then twice elected CM @narendramodi by hoisting fake cases on him, when his HM @AmitShah and ministers other ministers were sent behind bars in fake cases. #ijf22talk

That even Sonia Gandhi and Chidamabaram -who wud have launched a new publishing house to publish her book had it been true - didn’t support her,goes on to prove propaganda it must have been.

So much that one feel like respecting them for this!

Delhi High Court owe an answer to Indian public, Indian state and the office of the @PMOIndia for allowing this maligning of India by a known propagandist, found so, even by Supreme Court.

And Dr @julieposetti coming back to her book, here is Shoma Chaudhary, a known anti establishment journalist clearly contradicting Rana’s stand but seems facts don’t matter anymore in this!

Besides @julieposetti u need to check what India’s top court felt about this book,. This is from SC order and I’m deliberating quoting a publication that is opposed to current Govt to share this news as a proof of SC ruling…

Dr @julieposetti this part of proves she needs some serious mental health help instead of a platform like that of #IJF2022. She took only two names in her speech - PM @narendramodi & HM @AmitShah & it is clear she is calling elected leaders of India fascist,dictator & demagogues

Onus of allowing this mockery of India & Indian democracy-by using such derogatory language for its elected PM & HM- lies squarely on the judge who allowed her to travel despite knowing that her objection to PM/HM stands NOT on legal ground but her hate

This needs to be played and replayed before that judge of Delhi HC who allowed her- note the framing of this part, meant to link PM Modi with the alleged incident of that Hindu priest - even that incident was used fraudulently by her- @julieposetti read >…

What @ranaayyub hide from her audience and @julieposetti was that this same had a bounty of 28 lakhs issued on his head by Muslim and this was more of a retaliatory warning, although reprehensible!…

Ms @julieposetti persecution is what aboriginals faced in Australia @ d hands of ur ancestors, wat Kashmiri Hindus had to face @ d hands of Muslim majority in Kashmir in 1990 and truthfully depicted by #TheKashmirFile not one that increases ur no to 220M

This woman needs some urgent mental assistance- is all I cud tell myself after listening to this part.

Basically here she is cunningly preparing a ground for the narrative that India need to be put under sanctions to avoid a potential genocide…. She is no longer treading that dangerous line but she is openly calling for waging a war on India

Delusional or mental or both!

Dear @julieposetti again I implore u to check this tweet of the police officer of the area, she is alluding to in this part- check this thread and I will let u decide if what she is trying to project is indeed true?

Dr @julieposetti, that 12 mins speech is full of lies,propaganda & falsehoods & ur talk about hee cannot be any objective. However what u have, via this talk, has done is that u made her into a Chris Mitchell of 12 years ago. Like him, her lies & falsehood will be defeated!

Lastly, @julieposetti, sorry to call it rudely, but u failed Julie Posetti of 2010 that took on Chris Mitchell of ABC. Or perhaps that was your job mandate. Either way, ur #ijf22talk was full of lies and false propaganda as u allowed ur guest to spread it unchecked!

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