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Apr 12, 2022, 25 tweets

This week the #HudumaBill2021 is in Parliament for its 2nd reading

The Bill is proposing the largest changes to Kenya’s ID system since independence. What exactly does that mean for you?

Huduma Bill 2021: A Thread 🧵

@MzalendoWatch @KaranjaMatindi @David1Mutai @thekhrc @MyKenyaLaw @klrcKE @nisisikenya @TheYouthCafe @Haki_na_Sheria @Olez #HudumaBill2021 would become the single law supporting the issuance of birth certificates, ID cards, passports, and death certificates - as well as Huduma Namba

The existing laws for these processes would all be repealed

The #HudumaBill2021 would create a single “NIIMS Database”

It would hold both foundational data (basic personal info) and functional data (info created when you access services)

Why is it necessary to pull together so much foundational AND functional data – for a law whose objects are just about identification?

There is little about “huduma” in the #HudumaBill2021

@ImranOkoth @GideonochandaMP @imelda_achieng @Asmali77 @Gamalbrb @YoungMPsKenya @kenya_movement @YouthAliveKenya @CSOwenBaya @MzalendoWatch Government agencies would be required to rely on the NIIMS database to “authenticate” your identity

So if the database is down or there is limited internet in an area, will you be denied services? The #HudumaBill2021 contains no safeguards to protect you

#FuelShortageKE EPRA

Not to mention, with “documentary proof” of identity required to enroll, millions of Kenyans who don’t have an ID or birth certificate can’t get a Huduma Namba in the first place

#HudumaBill2021 🧵
@JerotichSeii @JKNjenga @FrankHook

@JerotichSeii @JKNjenga @FrankHook @ParanetRight @RefugeesAfrica @UNHCR_Kenya @nationality4all @NetworkSouthern @katibainstitute @institute_si @NYUBernstein @GlobalNamati @myidmyright For a successful enrollment, an applicant should receive a #HudumaNamba in just 30 days

But if your application is denied, there is no timeline for notifying you… meaning your application can remain “pending” forever

#HudumaBill2021 #FuelShortageKE

@JerotichSeii @JKNjenga @FrankHook @ParanetRight @RefugeesAfrica @UNHCR_Kenya @nationality4all @NetworkSouthern @katibainstitute @institute_si @NYUBernstein @GlobalNamati @myidmyright @washington_mito @KenyaEditors @Asmali77 @abusalimjuma @ngunjiriwambugu @JLomorukai @Mpzuleikahassan @UnduguSK The initial issuance of a Huduma Card is free of charge… but the #HudumaBill2021 is silent about replacements

So if you lose your Huduma Card – or your child loses or damages theirs (as children will get the card from age 6), who knows what you may need to pay

That includes private agencies who can access data in the NIIMS / Huduma Namba database under the #HudumaBill2021

#privacy #dataprotection #ID4D

@KEPSA_KENYA @UNDPKenya @NationBreaking @TheStarBreaking @IqraFM @ActionsdgsKenya @KenyaPrivacy @AfricaPrivacy @privacyint Your data will be kept forever – the #HudumaBill2021 proposes that upon death your Huduma Namba will be retired and documents revoked but nowhere does the bill stipulate your data to be deleted

#dataprotection #data #privacy

The #HudumaBill2021 states a citizen is entitled to passport (as does our Constitution)

But when applying for that passport, a NIIMS Officer can require “further details” yet again and he/she can conduct “further verification”

This vague language in the #HudumaBill2021 will allow officials to put any obstacle in your path to a document – the same way the ID system works today

#MyIDMyRight Miguna Ledama EPRA #HudumaNamba

For the amount of data in NIIMS, the #dataprotection provisions of the #HudumaBill2021 are quite vague

#dataprotectionKE #HudumaNamba #DigitalID #Digitalidentity SIM card registration

Unauthorized access to NIIMS, damage of data, or disrupting access to the database only carries a fine of up to 100k or 1 year in prison

Imagine someone harming the database & causing denial of services to Kenyans across the country – yet this is the max penalty #HudumaBill2021

What happens if you have a problem? Can’t enroll? Denied services? Data has errors?

The #HudumaBill2021 proposes a high-level coordination committee – but no body that is responsible for managing NIIMS or that can be held accountable for Huduma Namba

The #HudumaBill2021 doesn’t explain how we move from the ID current system to the new Huduma Namba

Only that the CS can issue a gazette notice stating ID cards are invalid


Our ID system is deeply flawed and discriminatory – we need reform

But the risks of #HudumaBill2021 & #HudumaNamba far outweigh any benefits

Because of these risks, we’ve called on Parliament to withdraw the bill in its entirety…

#HudumaBill2021 doesn’t reflect the needs of Kenyans or offer solutions to current ID challenges

We need to first address ID-related discrimination and corruption, solve delays & make registration centers access – then we can consider if #HudumaNamba is necessary

Your voice matters in this debate – your opinion is important – because the #HudumaBill2021 affects you

Read the bill here & share your views w/your MP before the bill is debated in Parliament: ttp://

The #HudumaBill2021 will be in Parliament this afternoon

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