Arianne Profile picture
Old soul, creating, hoping, learning. ME/cfs C-spine injury Chronic pain Adenomyosis survivor Married Underestimate me, that'll be fun.🌸💞🌸

Apr 14, 2022, 10 tweets

Thread...How people in pain are being abused.
Let us count the ways.
1-Emotional Abuse:
Invalidation of person's lived experience
Constant monitoring of activities
#ChronicPain #WeWillNotStaySilent

2-Intellectual Abuse
Being forced to prove your abuser wrong
Mind games
Making the person in pain feel stupid
Attacking the person in pain's ideas or wishes
Manipulation of information, even in medical records
Power Imbalance

3-Financial Abuse
Forcing person to attend needless appointments
requiring co-payments, transportation costs, paying for 'alternative' modalities, Coerced into costly surgeries and 'minimally invasive' procedures, endless lifelong drug testing.

4-Pet Abuse
The fear of #Opioids has now spilled over into the lack of pain treatment for pets.
Especially if owner is a pain patient.
Due to perceived possibility an owner who receives pain medicine might be trying to 'get drugs', their pets are now denied needed pain control.

5-Psychological Abuse
Accusing pt that they're 'faking' 'maligering' 'drug seeking'
Ignoring messages
Practices that lead to person in pain becoming isolated
Using family to target person in pain with fear/shame
Inflicting trauma due to untreated pain

6-Physical Abuse
Not treating pain
Forced procedures to avoid RXing controlled medicine
Abandonment of people who are severely ill/injured

7-Verbal Abuse
Being yelled at
Being insulted
Talking to the person with condescension
Speaking in anger, and with disdain
Chastising patient for their use of certain medicines

8-Spiritual Abuse
Putting down the patient's beliefs/Forcing other religious practices
Using faith or 'mind over matter' to manipulate
Shaming/accusing person in pain of not 'having faith'
Using terms like 'suffering makes us stronger' as an excuse to withhold medicines.

9-Social Abuse
Perpetuating isolation through untreated pain
Preventing the patient's ability to work due to undertreated or untreated pain
Creating stigma or false social perceptions due to patient's use of controlled medicine through ongoing PROPaganda campaigns

10-People in pain are a silenced and desperate group of people.
They are comprised of some of the most vulnerable among us-
The sick, injured, elderly, and dying.
None of this is ok.

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