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used to work at @TPostMillennial NEWs and politics. FIND ME A JOB. Also, go to church on Sunday.

Apr 15, 2022, 22 tweets

Day 51 of the Ukraine Russia war.

"Russia threatens nuclear escalation in the Baltics if Sweden and Finland join NATO"…

"Footage filmed via a Russian Orlan-10 drone of a strike against a Ukrainian vehicle, leading to its destruction- type or location unknown at present." -- via

"Good friday in Kyiv. Who would have imagined that after the war against the capital started on 24th of February? Remember all the intelligence agencys saying Kyivs fall is matter of hours? Just listen to the birds!" -- via

"Russia moving large amounts of 9K55 Grad-1 MLRS in the railway of Tyumen. Most likely to be sent to Ukraine." -- via

"Moscow threatens Kyiv after embarrassment over loss of Russian Moskva"…

"Russian Orlan-10 hit by a SAM" -- via

People interpret this as cruelty by Ukraine but at the very least families get closure

"Thank you, Slavko. It's very powerful. Music on the ruins. It’s Kharkiv which are shelled by the Russians for the months already." -- via

"Another Russian T-72B3 Obr. 2016 with a little damage was captured by Ukrainian troops, precise date unknown but 4 days ago or more." -- via

"An Orion armed drone of #Russian Armed Forces filmed the moment a Tu-22M3 heavy bomber of #RussianAirForce bombed Azovstal steel plant of #Mariupol. Russian Armed Forces claim hundreds of #Ukrainian marines were there." -- via

"Aerorozvidka UAV footage showing Ukrainian artillery strikes on Russian positions." -- via

Deleted this because @Karmabash deleted his original tweet

Why did @Karmabash delete? who knows. His problem, not mine.

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