Aidos Abdramanov🇰🇿🇺🇦🇸🇩 Profile picture
Волонтёр правозащитного движения «Femina Virtute» #Kazakhstan 🇰🇿

Apr 20, 2022, 5 tweets

Politically motivated refusals in response to notifications of peaceful assemblies.


On 11 April 2022, the Akimat (local executive body) of Zhanaozen city refused to hold a peaceful assembly on 1 May 2022, in response to a notification submitted by the civil activist Zhadyra #DOSEKEYEVA.


The topic of the peaceful assembly: "In solidarity with Ukraine. No to war. In favour of leaving the CSTO and the EAEU. Increase the incomes of the population". The reason for the politically motivated refusal:


Politically motivated refusal signed by the deputy Akim (mayor) of Zhanaozen #BAIZHANOV G.

This is at least the fourth refusal to hold anti-war rallies and solidarity actions with Ukraine issued by the Kazakhstani authorities.


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