Mohammad Bilal, MD Profile picture
Asst Prof @UMN_GI @VAMinneapolis | Alumnus @BIDMC_GI @HarvardMed, @UTMBHealth, @AHNToday | Passionate about #MedEd #AdvancedEndoscopy | RTs≠Endorsement

May 2, 2022, 17 tweets

Are you interested in #GIFellowship?

Hear from PDs & #GIFellows

✅ Application pearls
✅ LORs
✅ Tips forPersonal Statement
✅ Interviews

Who should attend?
🎯 Prospective applicants
🎯 Anyone who mentors residents


To warm up before this-a 🧵below:

1/16)To start, learn perspective of #GIFellows of what makes one a competitive applicant. Part I of this series covers:

✳️ Deciding on a career in #GI
✳️ Self assessment
✳️ Finding mentors
✳️ Scholarly work

All authors were fellows at time of this 📜


2/16) In part II of this series from above, it covers:

👉 Building your resume
👉 Building your brand
👉 Issues pertaining to minorities / #WomenInMedicine
👉 LORs
👉 Personal Statement
👉 Where to apply
👉 Interviews
👉 What happens if you dont match


3/16) Can’t 🥲 denie that #WiM face unique challenges during interviews

✅ Must read article by @LaurenFeldMD (for applicants & PDs)

@AmyOxentenkoMD, @JulieSilverMD et al 📜 on how to ⬆️ #Diversity & #WiM in #GIfellowship…

4/16) Want to know the #GIFellowship Program Directors’ Perspective on being a competitive #GIfellowship applicant ?

🎯 Check out this paper from the incredible #WomenInGI & role models: @MLongMD, @LauraRaffalsMD & @DrR_Williams 🔥


5/16) 🟢 Now onto personal statements

✔️ For me the hardest personally
✔️ Hence, crowd sourced tips on #PersonalStatements in the thread linked below:

6/16) If you thought that thread was good, then check this 🔥thread from the incredible #GIFellowship PD @Samir_Grover himself 👇

7/16) You got the interview 🥳🥳🥳 - Now what ?

✳️ Check out this article by @KTossapol in the @ACGCRJ


8/16) One can never learn enough about interviewing !

In this piece by @AdvaniRashmiMD @doctornikkid & colleagues- find candid tips on interviewing for #GIFellowship…

9/16) Now if you are a faculty member interviewing applicants, check out these 💎 by @DCharabaty @Samir_Grover @stevenbollipo @drkeithsiau & colleagues

🟢 Interview planning & format
🟢 Types of Qs
🟢 Grading interview performance
🟢 Ranking


10/16) If the article wasnt good enough, check out this amazing Tweetorial by @Samir_Grover:

11/16) Oh there is more !!

✔️A decade later - still holds true 🔥

✔️ This article by @DebProctorMD & #ArthurDecross has so many valuable 💎 for prospective applicants !…

12/16) This maybe “old” but still is “gold”

🎯 Perspective from the amazing @AndyChanMD on a #PD perspective in @AGA_Gastro


13/16) The 🌍 changed & we have virtual interviews now !

It adds new challenges, but @MallepallyRika @DrMalSimons @YhernandezMD @tberzin @AmyOxentenkoMD highlight on how to tackle the Virtual Interviews


14/16) We cant ignore that #SoMe is great resource but can be overwhelming & challenging to navigate for residents!

🔥🔥 In this interview @MTPapaD talks to the incredible @DCharabaty on how applicants can use #SoMe effectively to network & engage 🔥


15/16) 🥲 About 40% of applicants do not match into #GI 🥲

BUT don’t lose hope !

✳️ The rockstar #GIFellow & inspiring @doctornikkid shares his story & provides candid tips on what to do when you dont match in this video


16/16) The fellowship application process is stressful and time consuming !

🎯 There is no one path to success
🎯 Everyone has their journey

Visit the @AmCollegeGastro trainee section for more resources !

✅ Good luck to everyone applying !


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