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May 5, 2022, 60 tweets

⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: W/the impending repeal of #RoevWade and the GOP licking their chops at the thought of criminalizing abortion, possibly preventing pregnant women from crossing state lines & w/out exceptions for rape, incest or the health of the mother, it's time once again... go down memory lane with 50 actual statements/actions by Republican elected officials & high-profile GOP members on opining on the topics of rape & abortion.

Sources & links for each of these can be found at 2/

1988: Republican State Representative Stephen Freind of Pennsylvania. 3/

1990: Republican Gubernatorial candidate Clayton Williams of Texas: 4/

1995: Republican state representative Henry Aldridge of North Carolina. 5/

1998: Republican state Senator & U.S. Senate candidate Fay Boozman of Arkansas. 6/

2002: Republican state senate candidate Dick Black of Virginia. 7/

2003: Republican Governor Jen Bush of Florida. 8/

2005: Republican state representative Mark Anderson of Arizona. 9/

2005: Republican state representative Wards Nichols of Arizona. 10/

2006: Republican Senate candidate Ken Buck of Colorado. 11/

2006: Republican state representative Bill Napoli of South Dakota. 12/

2008: Republican state representative Jonathan Strickland of Texas. 13/

2010: Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle of Nevada. 14/

2010: Republican Congressman Steve King of Iowa. 15/

2011: Republican state representative Kathleen Passidomo of Florida. 16/

(oh yeah...she's still in a FL State SENATOR now.)

2011: Republican state senator Brent Crane of Idaho. 17/

2011: Republican state representative Pete DeGraaf of Kansas. 18/

2011: Republican Governor and Presidential candidate Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. 19/

2011: Republican state representative Roger Rivard of Wisconsin. 20/

2012: Republican state representative John Ragan of Tennessee. 21/

2012: Republican Senator and Presidential candidate Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania. 22/

2012: Republican Congressman and Presidential candidate Ron Paul of Texas. 23/

2012: Republican state Senator Chuck Winder of Idaho. 24/

2012: Republican Senate candidate Tom Smith of Pennsylvania. 25/

2012: Republican Congressman and Senate candidate Todd Akin of Missouri (the "inspiration" for my decision to start tracking these statements). 26/

2012: Republican former Governor and Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee of Arkansas. 27/

Halfway through the list; we're only up to 2012.

Taking a short break to try and let the bile subside for a bit. Back soon with entries #26 - 50.

During this intermission, here's some links to help reduce the number of elected Republicans who say & do these horrific things:

--U.S. Senate:…
--U.S. House (AL - MN):…
--U.S. House (MS - WY):…

⚠️ OK, I'm back for Phase 2...

2012: Republican former Congressman, Vice-Presidential nominee & Speaker of the House Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. 28/

2012: Republican Congressman and U.S. Senate candidate Rick Berg of North Dakota. 29/

2012: U.S. Senate candidate Linda McMahon of Connecticut. 30/

2012: Republican state Treasurer and U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock of Indiana. 31/

2012: Republican former state Supreme Court Justice and current U.S. Senator John Cornyn of Texas. 32/

2012: Republican disgraced former Speaker of the House and Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich of Georgia. 33/

2012: Republican Congressional candidate John Koster of Washington State. 34/

2012: Republican U.S. Senator and former Presidential candidate Ted Cruz of Texas. 35/

2012: "Conservative" (presumably Republican) talk show host Michael Graham.

From what I can tell, this prediction (which Obama didn't actually make, but probably should have) was only off by 10 years. 36/

2013: Republcian U.S. Congressman Phil Gingey of Georgia. 37/

2013: Republican State Representative Cathrynn Brown of New Mexico. 38/

2013: Republican campaign manager, pollster and eventual White House advisor/spokesperson to...Donald Trump...@KellyannePolls. 39/

2013: Republican state Assembly president Celeste Greig of California.

FWIW, an estimated 25,000 - 32,000 pregnancies are caused by rape in the U.S. every year.… 40/

2013: FOX News contributor (presumably Republican) Steven Crowder. 41/

2013: Republican State Representative Andy Holt of Tennessee. 42/

2013: Republican strategist Brad Blakeman, referring to President Obama. 43/

2013: MI Right to Life president Barbara Listing of Michigan. 44/

2013: Republican U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia. 45/

2013: Republican former Congressman Allen West of Florida. 46/

2013: Oh,'s @KellyannePolls again! 47/

2013: Republican U.S. Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona.

Oh yeah...Franks resigned in disgrace in 2017 after being busted sexually harassing his staff while offering one of them $5 million to be a surrogate mother for his sperm. 48/

2013: Republican U.S. Congressman Michael Burgess of Texas. 49/

Yes, this is an actual quote from him.

2013: Republican state Representative Jodie Laubenberg of Texas. 50/

2013: Republican County Party Chair Robert J. Kearns of Pennsylvania. 51/

2013: Republican Governor Rick Perry of Texas. 52/

There you have it: 50 entries.

Even more jaw-dropping: This only gets us through 2013.

There's another ~50 entries from 2014 - 2016 here:

I stopped updating it after Donald Trump was elected because, honestly, I didn't see the point after that. 53/

ONCE AGAIN, here's some links to help reduce the number of elected Republicans who say & do these horrific things:

--U.S. Senate:…
--U.S. House (AL - MN):…
--U.S. House (MS - WY):…

And yes, THIS is what's coming next in some states if the GOP takes or remains in power.

And now, as a palette cleanser after all that ugliness, here’s a beautiful song:

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