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May 7, 2022, 13 tweets

Visual financial astrology update for $ETH & $BTC #Bitcoin #Cryptos

Showing planets in tropical zodiac signs in color with #Tableau, a unique #Datavisualization

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Sign change in 2017 2 days from BTC top
Saturn in Aquarius (light gray) supporting cryptos


Jupiter sign change May 2021 2 days from ETH major top

Jupiter in Aquarius (light gray) supported cryptos
Jupiter in Pisces (purple) weaker

Into Aries (red) this coming week! Should be a + for risk but still watching asset classes to see what responds.

North Node / NN

North node in Leo (gold) crypto rally, but not entire way
In Cancer (pink), bear market
In Gemini (light blue), rally again
In Taurus (green), weaker

Astro basics masculine / feminine signs


Mars sign change into Capricorn (dark gray) at low of year (also key low on indexes)
Mars in Aquarius (light gray) helped recent rally
Mars in Pisces (purple) weaker again
In Aries should help


Sun in Aries (red) recently stronger
Sun in Taurus (green) weaker - "additional risk with eclipses in this sign" same words 23-April


Venus in Capricorn (dark gray) Nov-2021 near major top
Venus in Aquarius (light gray) helped rally
Venus in Pisces (purple) weaker again
Venus in Aries (red) tried to lift but failing so far - think she needs some help from other planets


Mercury in Taurus (green) was weaker; will Rx back into this sign in coming weeks

More frequent changes here, not all produce turn, but some changes of character

Mercury Motion

Blue = normal direct motion
Orange = slow under 1' per day
Red = Rx apparent retrograde motion

Several turns - already slow & Rx period coming up
These tend to be more bearish in bear environments

Moon data
BTC avg 15m bar % return


Waxing in orange
Waning in pink

The real juice of this edge shown above is Q1 weak and Q4 strong

Moon Signs 2021-current

After Virgo, then better, at least on the averages

The variability underlying the averages, 2021-current

Lastly but not least

Weekday 2022-current
1 = Monday
7 = Sunday

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