Joanna Cherry KC Profile picture
King’s Counsel and Lesbian Feminist.

May 9, 2022, 11 tweets

🧵It’s #EuropeDay2022. As an @theSNP MP I lead the fight against the damaging #Brexit which Scottish voters had rejected & I am committed to delivering an #independent #Scotland which will rejoin the #EU. Here’s 10 reasons why. Copyright @Dr_PhilippaW

1. SOLIDARITY WITH A GLOBAL A-TEAM. The threats facing us are global. The EU leads progressive global action to solve shared challenges. An independent Scotland in the EU would be far stronger than post-Brexit UK scrambling for bilateral agreements.

2. EQUALITY WITH ALL EU STATES Brexit has left the UK more isolated than ever. An independent Scotland would be equal in the EU & seek to be a progressive voice & role model within the EU and internationally promoting greater consensus, equality, and respect.

By re-joining the EU, Scots would be able to travel, live, work, and study in any other EU/EEA country, without visa red tape or bureaucracy, and Scots businesses could hire the overseas talent they need.

Scottish voters rejected Brexit but the UK Government has pursued an economically damaging Brexit which will reduce the UK’s GDP by 4% - twice the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Only Scotland rejoining the EU can undo this harm.

The Free Trade Agreements proposed by the UK Government will not come close to making up for the loss of EU trade post-Brexit. By re-joining the Single Market and Customs Union, Scotland would re-open its economy and exporters to EU-states.

Common EU standards allow people & businesses to shop freely in all EU Member States without bureaucracy, tariffs or border checks unlike the Tories’ Brexit trade barriers. An independent Scotland wd uphold these EU standards

7. ENERGY Renewables can tackle the global climate crisis and help Europe move from dependency on Russian oil & gas. Scottish renewables can help Europe pivot away from Kremlin-controlled energy sources & bolster the EU’s climate & geo-strategic security.

For centuries Scotland has punched above its weight in producing world-class research & innovation. As part of the EU with funding programmes such as Horizon Scotland can do even more to bolster European research & solve global issues.

9. INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Scotland takes a different approach to the UK when it comes to helping the world’s poorest & most vulnerable. Scotland wd benefit from working with European partners in dealing with climate change, post-COVID recovery & poverty.

10. WORKERS RIGHTS The EU aims to achieve a level playing field by prioritising social rights for workers & people in general. By joining a bloc that safeguards fundamental rights, an independent Scotland would ensure the wellbeing of worker at home & abroad.

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