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🐘 Political Opinion (𝗥-𝗖𝗧) | 🎙️ Host of @ElevatdThoughts Podcast | 🛗 Elevator Expert | 🔧 Follow My Podcast Growth in SUBS ↗️

May 12, 2022, 10 tweets

The @AP has published (yet another) “hit-piece” on @elonmusk, attempting to spread widespread fear of imminent bullying if/when the Twitter deal closes… 🐦

See below how this article falls short of @AP’s mission to discredit… 🪡 👇🏻 1/9

We all know the #JRE clip, and we all know the context (Must having said he’s never smoked before…) 💨

The obsession with left-leaning fear-mongers of calling @elonmusk a “pot smoker” is laughable. 🤡

Meanwhile, the democratic fights to legalize cannabis nationwide… 2/9

The @AP quotes an opinion from a solitary anonymous investment firm that thinks the @Twitter takeover is “comical and surreal”. 🥁

Using quotes from nameless entities serves to enrich the @AP’s narrative while providing absolutely zero real-world value to the reader… 3/9

Having the ability, no less the “confidence”, to change one’s mind is possibly THE MOST critical aspect of healing today’s society. ❤️‍🩹

While the @AP frames this as a detrimental quality, the reality is that truth shall prevail over #MSM disinformation and FUD… 4/9

The @AP finds time to acknowledge that @elonmusk has repeatedly stated he will observe laws and regulations to curb hate speech. 📣

Yet the @AP’s inherent bias is revealed when they try to rally those afflicted by #TDS, despite @jack’s agreement with Musk’s statement… 5/9

Leave it to the liberal media to cast doubt over @elonmusk’s leadership and abilities after he “acknowledged vulnerabilities”, including his own disability of #Asperger’s 🧩

This is remarkably tone-deaf, coming from an un-self-aware and supposedly “tolerant” outlet… 6/9

Apparently @AP is appealing to @Twitter’s very own employees by spreading fear over the work ethic that @elonmusk may expect 🏅

God forbid the man that revolutionized #EVs and space travel has lofty ambitions and sets high expectations that literally “change the world”… 7/9

This is what we call an “OPINION” @AP 🤡

You’ve offered one example where @elonmusk feels his #1A rights are being infringed, and you’ve interpreted that to mean he has a disdain for public officials?

Less gov’t oversight is better…
Not more… 8/9

And finally, @AP shows it’s hand on how the #TolerantLeft plans to fight back against @elonmusk’s bid on free speech 🗣

Naming companies like @Apple and @Google to do the dirty work of de-platforming those they disagree with, all in the name of preserving accessibility… 9/9

Thankfully @AP has no pull in the @Twitter deal, and it’s very likely to happen soon 💸

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