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An independent organisation aiming to present solutions to government and the private sector to address the growing challenges facing the UK’s food system.

May 13, 2022, 6 tweets

There have been rumours this week that Government is considering a delay or U-turn on banning multi-buy deals on #junkfood.

This would be a #FalseEconomy.

🧵A short thread👇 [1/6]

These regs were brought in to tackle #obesity. During Covid-19 obesity rates have risen dramatically & the NHS is under more pressure than ever. There's an urgent need for Govt to introduce evidence-based policies to help.
Source: our #data dashboard… [2/6]

Junk food multi-buys are well-known to encourage unnecessary unplanned purchases & therefore ⬆️spending.

The Govt’s own figures show they increase the amount of food purchased by 22%. Allowing retailers to continue to use them won’t help with the cost of living crisis [3/6]

Our new polling shows people want to see promotions on core essentials over junk food. Banning junk food multi-buys should encourage businesses to reformulate products & promote essentials instead🥔🥕🥦-promotions that actually help save people money on their core food shop [4/6]

@LidlGB has never used this type of promotion as they recognise they don't save customers money overall. @sainsburys have phased them out too.

Other businesses have invested significant resources in preparing for implementation of these regs & will be frustrated by delays [5/6]

We hope that the Government does not cave to the pressure of a few very vocal backbench MPs on this, and instead sticks firm and follows their own evidence [6/6]

#JunkFoodAds #BOFOD #Obesity #AdEnough

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