Youth Against Sweatshops 青年反血汗工场 Profile picture
working youths of all trades UNITED to reclaim control of our time ⏰ & health 🫀! Multilingual 青年反血汗工廠 follow us on IG: @ youthagainstsweatshops

May 15, 2022, 10 tweets

LIVE! /1. Jing Fong workers and community members started peaceful drumming to protest against the racist displacement agenda and the new mega jail. @mocanyc Museum staff started calling NYPD right away to criminalize us. Live thread update. Pls share widely.

LIVE 2/ Police came, parked by the picket

LIVE /3. MOCA museum staff greeted & spoke to NYPD officers

LIVE /4. The brave picketers & workers keep chanting and drumming when the police got out of car to patrol the peaceful protest & defend the Lower Manhattan mega-landlord Jonathan Chu’s and MOCA’s interests.

LIVE /5. the harassment began. NYPD x MOCA criminalized the two picketers who drummed and threatened to give out warnings and summons tickets.

LIVE /6. Harassment continues.

LIVE /7. When protestors refused to give up their first amendment rights and their rights to protect the community — the NYPD forced to confiscate buckets & to see their IDs to file charges. That’s after they’ve confiscated tables and protest materials.

LIVE /8. MOCA staff clapped for the NYPD’s penalization and harassment done to the community. #violence #cops #Police #NYPD #MOCA #pro_jail #pro_cops #collusion #racism

LIVE /9. **AFTER THE 1st CHARGES** The Museum sent staff to urge NYPD file a 2nd charge to the peaceful protestors for “Stopping visitors into the museum.”

LIVE /10. One car left with the confiscated buckets. Other officers stayed to file more charges on completely unestablished grounds.

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