Elias Amare ኤልያስ ኣማረ Profile picture
Writer/Journalist/Researcher/PeaceActivist — The struggle is long & difficult. Therefore, tell no lies, mask no difficulty & claim no easy victory. — A. Cabral

May 18, 2022, 5 tweets

In its May 17th edition, #Eritrea's newspaper, Haddas Eritrea, had an editorial titled, "The #TPLF's new war adventurism: Why & for what objectives".
The editorial asserts that the main target of this latest TPLF war preparations is Eritrea & its people.

«Because they never learn from their previous disastrous experiences, are never bothered by massive deaths of the people of #Tigray about whom they pretend to care, & the only thing they care about is their hunger for power, #TPLF are now beating the war drums for the 3rd time.»

«In #Ethiopia, #TPLF's lust for power has as its aim to control again Welkait, Tegede & Humera, where they've committed genocide in their 27 years of misrule, & to open the corridor to the #Sudan, thereby plunging the country into chaos & disintegration.»
#BreakTheSilence #NoMore

«#TPLF's Western masters may not fully agree with its extremist destructive agenda. However, it's obvious that they wish their loyal tool must be resuscitated & continue to serve their interest. And thus TPLF's latest reckless adventurism definitely has their blessing & support.»

«In our history, we the people & gov't of #Eritrea have never longed or desired for war. However, we have the national duty & human rights obligation that is guaranteed by international law to defend our freedom & sovereignty for which we paid tremendous and precious sacrifices.»

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