Vanessa Beeley Profile picture
The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks, can never be relaxed and never abandoned. DH

May 20, 2022, 7 tweets

To all "Slava Ukraini" supporters, you are facilitating torture of Ukrainian people who have resisted fascism, you are enabling Nazi torture of civilians, rape, waterboarding. #NATO proxy war crimes.

Laurent Brayard

#Donbass #Mariupol

These crimes are known to #UN and @RedCrossUkraine who remain silent to cover up extent of horror inflicted upon Ukraine by NATO.

Laurent Brayard #Donbass #Mariupol

Mass graves & mobile crematoria in #Mariupol used by #Nazi brigades & #SBU to cover up genocide & mass reprisals against Russian speakers & civilians who reject fascism.

Laurent Brayard #Donbass

The tortured a priest, waterboarding, hung him & beat him. Satanic ritual recorded on #Azov fighter phone.

Laurent Brayard #Donbas

Bodies of tortured & executed civilians were put in a car crusher to hide evidence before being disposed of in mine shafts & waterways.

"There are several mass graves "

Laurent Brayard #Donbass #Mariupol

English speaking torture experts present with Nazi brigades in 2014, "like Guantanamo".

Laurent Brayard #Donbass #Mariupol

Full interview with Laurent Brayard here:…

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