π˜Ύπ™π™§π™žπ™¨ AKA Super Profile picture
Ambassador Program Manager at @Interlockweb3 $ILOCK πŸ›‘| #Crypto & #Web3 Advocate | Angel Investor | @SuperArmyWeb3 founder | $AZERO @Aleph__Zero L1 Ambassador

May 21, 2022, 18 tweets

🧡Thread πŸ‘€
I am going to explain you why $AZERO is so special and what's so unique about it, so what is it ?
$AZERO is the native coin of the @Aleph__Zero network ; a new Layer 1 DAG based #Blockchain but... what is DAG based? Is it a DAG? or is it a #Blockchain? or both?

Both. But to be able to understand how @Aleph__Zero works, we need to understand what is a DAG, DAG stands for Directed Acyclic Graph in #crypto it's a data structure that unlike any other traditional #Blockchain it doesn't produce block by block, but produces multiple blocks at

the same time because a DAG can validate one transaction with the next one and so on, this saves a lot of time and resources as with a traditional #Blockchain to validate the transaction it needs to read the whole history from the genesis, this way @Aleph__Zero's $AZERO can reach

Unprecedented time to finality and scalability. So you didn't understand ? Ok I'll give you a real life example:
The #Blockchain example: imagine a school full of kids (thousands) and a teacher want's to give one candy to each kid, in this case the thousands kids need to line up

and wait for their turn to get the candy.
The #DAG example: imagine the teacher gives several bags full of candy to a bunch of kids to share with the other kids or even giving several bags to those kids which distribute more bags to other kids that will distribute the candy among

the rest of the kids... better? Now that we know the differences between a Blockchain and a DAG let's see how @Aleph__Zero's $AZERO DAG based Blockchain works: remember the Blockchain example with the teacher and the DAG example with the kids distributing the candy to other kids?

Well now imagine all those kids that distributed candy came back to the teacher with a list of all the candy they gave and to whom so the teacher now knows who got candy and who didn't. @Aleph__Zero uses the DAG architecture to speed up the process of transactions and receiving

the information of the transactions introducing the transaction hash in their blockchain, so the @Aleph__Zero Blockchain is a Public record of all transactions like a traditional Blockchain but it's engine is a DAG, ain't that cool!😎
But wait if that is the best solution why

no one has done it before? Well actually there are other DAG's out there like $HBAR @hedera but some people say that DAG's need to be centralized because if not they will fail under attack, well let me explain you how @Aleph__Zero tackles and achieves complete decentralization ?

A large random rotating committee of validators is the perfect solution that makes @Aleph__Zero the only DAG based Blockchain to be completely 100% decentralized in the future. This is in deed a revolutionary feature, and now you would ask me, but how I am sure this really works?

Well I could be here telling you a story to convince you like other projects do, but I won't. The fact is that the @Aleph__Zero team founded in 2018 & developed during ~2 years the AlephBFT consensus protocol that was Peer-Reviewed in October 2019 at the ACM Conference in Zurich.

If you still don't believe a bunch of scientists that Peer-Reviewed the protocol, don't worry because it has also been audited by @trailofbits one of the most reputable companies in the field that has audited other companies like @Google @Facebook @Microsoft and other big ones βœ”

But what is the AlephBFT consensus protocol ?
Well AlephBFT @Aleph__Zero's consensus protocol is Byzantine Fault Tolerant which means that is able to withstand 33% of malitious actors and as long as 67% of the network agrees in the validation process the network will keep working

@Aleph__Zero $AZERO's AlephBFT consensus protocol reached in a proof-of-concept test network 100,000 transactions per second and a time to finality of 0.416s on a setting of 128 Nodes, makes this, one of the fastests, most scalable, secure and decentralized solutions out there...

But what's all the buzz about Private Smart Contracts, Privacy-enhanced etc...?
I'm getting there, I am going to talk you now about Zero Knowledge proofs and secured multi party computation which @Aleph__Zero uses to give the $AZERO Smart Contracts the Privacy features, so what

are ZKP's and sMPC ?
They ensure the privacy of the users and sensitive data that sometimes enterprises don't want to make public that's why @Aleph__Zero is an enterprise ready for adoption DAG based #Blockchain and setting the base and Infrastructure for #Web3 it is known in the

#Crypto community that ZKP's and sMPC have some weakness individually but both combined complement each other to perfection, this is one of the very strong and revolutionary features from @Aleph__Zero $AZERO πŸ’ͺ
Private Smart Contracts are the future. πŸ”₯

There is so much more to $AZERO and @Aleph__Zero I invite you to visit their website for more information
πŸ‘‰ alephzero.org πŸ‘ˆ
And if you did read the thread and you like it feel free to Retweet and Like or comment if you have any questions...
#AlephZero #AZERO #Web3

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