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May 22, 2022, 21 tweets


The tragic USA "Baby Formula Shortage" proceeds apace...

A surprise introduction to the global news, but CCTV manages to tie it into the "Ukraine Situation" with editorializing that alternates between deft and daft.

CCTV snags three unidentified American "parent" interviews:

1) "Pretty scary to realize you might not be able to feed your baby."

2) "I say honey, we gotta go find this formula!"

3) "Baby doesn’t understand shortages." :-(

CCTV then provides some dramatic footage from the baby formula lane in a big supermarket.

This riveting scene sets up the pivot by which the dire situation inside American supermarkets is directly linked to US support of Ukraine.

Without missing a beat, or even changing the chyron, CCTV segues to a jet unloading US weapons in the dark of night.

And don't take CCTV's word for it, Jack in Moraga, California says the shocking US shortages are due to "supporting other people on the other side of the world to fight a war."

US troops keep adding fuel to the fire.

The shocking baby formula story is followed by another shocker: Monkey pox hits Europe.

It's a hard story to illustrate, but why did the CCTV editor think it was a good idea to include a shot with a skateboarder in the foreground and graffiti in the background?

And it's back to the "Ukraine Situation" in earnest which means we're about to hear from Russian Defense Ministry's Igor Konashenkov.

Cue the video jockey Igor who spins a few hot vids from the battlefield. As always, Russia is exceedingly careful in its targeting and only hits deserving targets, such as Ukrainian towns and villages that are suspected of having Western-supplied weapons on the premises.

Clean video, high production values.

We've come to expect nothing less from VJ Igor.

And the missile is on its way!

A Ukrainian special forces camp near Odessa is struck.

In contrast, this view of a Ukrainian military strike in Luhansk is messy, dirty and just can't compare to the precise, clean and sanitized Russian stuff.

As usual, there's an energy piece, lamenting foolishness of Europeans who don't want Russian gas, or even if they do, don't want to pay for it in rubles.
Italy and Germany get most of the attention in an ensemble piece which includes close-ups of gas ranges and gas storage tanks.

Below, a wonderful photo which has nothing to do with anything, but at least someone in the editing room knows a good shot when they see one.

This shy boy is used to illustrate the point that Hungary is sick and tired of the EU and is not going to take it anymore.

Viktor Orban stresses his policy is Hungary first.
He's not going to follow EU sanctions.
#EU #sanctions #Hungary #Serbia #Orban #CCTV

Visiting Serbia President Aleksandar Vučić agrees. EU sanctions are causing inflation and we don't want that.

We are not joining EU's anti-Russia sanctions, visiting Serbian president Vučić adds.

The people back home in Serbia apparently agree.

CCTV struck editorial gold during this interview conducted in Nigeria with Nile University prof. Youssef:

-NATO and the actions of its allies actions cause: -Inflation around the world
-Global destabilization
China supports diplomacy and China wants peace, unlike violent America

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