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'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will' - Frederick Douglass #FuckMusk #FuckFarage #FuckTrump

May 25, 2022, 10 tweets

Pfeffel #THREAD:

1988: Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is sacked by the Times for #fabricating a quote.

1995: a recording emerges in which Pfeffel agrees to provide Darius Guppy with the address of a journalist who was investigating him so that he could have him beaten up.

2004: Pfeffel sacked by Michael Howard for #lying about an affair.

2012: Pfeffel apologises for #accusing Liverpudlians of wallowing in "victim status" in a 2004 article.

2016: Pfeffel fails to apologise equates the EU’s efforts to unify Europe with those undertaken by Hitler.

2017 Pfeffel #accused of worsening the plight of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe after wrongly claiming she was in the country teaching journalism.

2017: Pfeffel forced to apologise to Parliament for #failing to declare outside earnings totalling more than £50,000 on nine occasions.

2018: Pfeffel offensively & divisively describes Muslim women who wear the niqab or the burka as looking like “letterboxes” & “bank robbers”.

2018: Pfeffel fails to apologise for #lying when he claimed Britain’s top military laboratory was certain novichok came from Russia.

2019: Pfeffel #investigated by Independent Office for Police Conduct over his four year relationship with Jennifer Arcuri following reports Arcuri’s tech firm was able to access £25,000 in public funds & that she was allowed onto three overseas trade missions.

2019: Elected by Tory members as leader, Pfeffel pledges to “unite the country” - Britain is now more polarised than at any time since the Thatcher Government.

2019: Pfeffel #lies to the Queen about proroguing Parliament.

2019: Pfeffel #vindictively expels 21 Tory MPs.

2020 - 2022: Pfeffel's #catastrophic handing of COVID, in which he reacted slowly & supported the dangerous 'herd immunity' approach, results in untold #suffering for millions, 180,000 largely avoidable #deaths, & £billions in taxpayers' money #wasted, often on friends of Tories.

2021: Pfeffel's independent adviser on ministerial interests Sir Alex Allan quits after Pfeffel overruled his finding that Priti Patel boke Ministerial Code (again) & bullied civil servants. Philip Rutnam receives £340,000 plus his legal costs over his claim for unfair dismissal.

2021 - 2022: Pfeffel deliberately, shamelessly & relentlessly lies to & misleads Parliament & voters in regard to #Partygate, holding both in utter contempt.

2022: Pfeffel continues to lie, mislead, obfuscate & behave like the damaged immoral sociopath he truly is.


For more insights into *Dear Leader*, & the mystifying Cult Of Personality that has grown up around the profoundly damaged & dangerously irresponsible sociopathic liar, who is destroying trust in politicians, undermining democracy, & ruining Britain, see:

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