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Victorious, always. CEO. MBA. ⚔️ Weapons-grade pattern recognition. "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting."

May 27, 2022, 6 tweets

Ukraine serves “as a training ground for the extremist right… Ukrainian military units like #Azov Battalion and Right Sector. Both organizations have known ties to an international network of neo-Nazis & active positions on the frontlines of the war in eastern #Ukraine.” (2020)

“The conflict in eastern #Ukraine is to the white supremacists what Afghanistan was to the Salafi-jihadists in the 80’s and 90’s,” said Saltskog.

“Remember, al-Qaeda, for which the English translation is ‘The Base,’ was born out of the conflict in Afghanistan.” @VICE (2020)

“Travelling to #Ukraine allows American neo-Nazis to gain actual combat experience to bring back home.” @VICE (2020)


What Nazis?

Ukraine's far-right #Svoboda party hold torch-lit Kiev march.

BBC (1 January 2014) #Ukraine️ #Bandera #NaziUkraine

What Nazis?

Ukraine's far-right #Svoboda party glorifies Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), who erected a monument to Stepan #Bandera (WW2 Nazi collaborator) and is complicit in the ethnic cleansing of Poles from what is now Ukrainian territory.

#Ukraine️ #NaziUkraine

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