Maya Contreras Profile picture
(She/Hers) Writer. Find me on Threads and Bluesky. Same handle. πŸ’—πŸ’œπŸ’™ Rep'd by Luminary Partners

May 28, 2022, 20 tweets

They should still be here. #Buffalo πŸ•Š

They should still be here. #Uvalde πŸ•Š

They should still be here. #Orlando #Pulse πŸ•ŠπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #Sandyhook

They should still be here. ✑️ #TreeofLife

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #LasVegas

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #Charleston

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #Aurora

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #Parkland

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #VirginiaTech

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #ElPaso

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #SantaFe

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #SutherlandSprings

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #VTARailYard

They should still be here. πŸ•Š#Columbine

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #FortHood

They should still be here. πŸ•Š#SanBernardino

They should still be here. πŸ•Š #BinghamtonNY

Continuation of the thread #TheyShouldStillBeHere πŸ•ŠοΈ

It’s unacceptable that weapons of war were legally purchased to murder countless people over and over again.

It’s long past due for legislation that prevents gun violence, and protects our Public Health & Safety, be passed into law.

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