Trisha Price Profile picture
Medically retired Clinical Sports Therapist and multisports coach severly disabled by ME. #StopTheHarm #EndTheStigma #DebunkGET #MillionsMissing #StopRestPace

May 29, 2022, 8 tweets

1/7“The cardinal symptom of ME/CFS – PEM or post exertional exacerbation of symptoms.
……the fact that by definition, patients with ME/CFS are made more ill by aerobic exercise.
This has been unequivocally and repeatedly demonstrated by several research groups and confirmed by"

2/7"major govt. bodies in the US: the National Institutes of Health, the Center for Disease Control and the National Academy of Medicine.” #MECFS #LCME #ExertionIntolerant #EnergyLimitingConditions #PostExertionalMalaise #StopRestPace…

3/7 #pwME "need a level of discipline at least as high as the average Olympic athlete to control and restrict all their activities so completely for years." #MECFSWarriors
#Baseline #FineLine

4/7 Relentess - "M.E. patients have strict limits on how active they can be. If these limits are breached, symptoms worsen immediately and there is also a further deterioration 24 - 48 hours later, as well as the very real potential for repeated or severe overexertion to prevent

5/7 significant recovery, cause disease progression or even death."
"It is very important that M.E. patients stay within their limits. Unfortunately, M.E. patients may find staying within these limits all of the time very difficult for a number of reasons." You ready..? 🤔🧐🙏🏼💔

6/7 #pwME need support to #Stabalise in a crash & return to #Baseline 💙 "This paper explains how carers, doctors, and also friends, family members and partners of M.E. patients, can help patients to avoid overexertion and so have their best possible long-term health outcome."

7/7"It also describes the characteristics and signs of adrenaline surges and relapses in M.E. for the benefit of these individuals, as well as for newly ill M.E. patients themselves."

#pwME #LC #LCME #AdrenalineSurgeTips💥 #AvoidRelapse💔 #StopRestPace🌅…

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