British Red Cross 🧡 Profile picture
For over 150 years, the British Red Cross has helped people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are. #PowerOfKindness Press inquiries:

May 30, 2022, 6 tweets

Millions of people have been uprooted from their homes in #Ukraine and are in need of aid.

As the world responds, those enduring ongoing crisis in #Africa will also be impacted by the #conflict and must not be left behind.

It’s time to act. Share this thread to raise awareness.

Global price increases are also going to affect people here in the #UK and have a devastating impact on people across the world.

As a result of the #conflict, natural gas, and food and fertiliser prices have skyrocketed.

Did you know that 65 million people in Sub-Saharan #Africa are experiencing acute food insecurity?

Red Cross National Societies are already on the ground responding.

@KenyaRedCross | @nrcs_ng | @ifrc | @IFRCAfrica

It’s time to act now.

▪️Please share this thread to raise awareness

▪️Donate to support our work on the ground

▪️It’s never too late to join in the conversation following #WorldHungerDay

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