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Jun 7, 2022, 17 tweets

Live from #GartnerSEC | Outlook for #Cloud #Security with Charlie Winckless, Gartner Sr Director Analyst.

About this session: Cloud security remains a top priority. We'll summarizes the problems, recommended processes and new product types to address 3 key issues...

What are the unique risks associated with public cloud service providers, and how can they be controlled? What are the unique security challenges of IaaS and how can they be mitigated? What are the unique control challenges of SaaS and how can they be addressed? #GartnerSEC

"Cloud security is still security and the cloud is part of every business. It isn't just someone else's computer, it's a hugely complex interconnected set of services." #GartnerSEC

Creating a new business model means taking risks. #GartnerSEC

Remember, not all clouds are the same - don't treat them as if they are. #GartnerSEC

"As you move through your environments, you have different sets of responsibilities." #GartnerSEC #Cloud

"Federate as many of your identity sources together as you can." #GartnerSEC #Cloud #Security #cloudsecurity

"Start to have business leadership take responsibility for some of your organization's security - including #data." #GartnerSEC

"Most breaches are self-inflicted by configuration errors ... When you can't explain it or you can't document it, it's quite hard to secure it." #GartnerSEC #Security #cloudsecurity #Cloud

"Balance out your underlying architectures." #GartnerSEC #cloudsecurity #Cloud

"We do have to think about models differently. Take this back to your organizations and track which ones you will use and where you will use them." #GartnerSEC

Key issue take-away: Align security with the underlying architecture and business criticality. One size does not fit all. #GartnerSEC

What are the enterprise security enhancements after #cloud? #GartnerSEC #cloudsecurity

Key issue take-away: #cloudsecurity capabilities are likely newer and more versatile. Apply these to your on-premises systems where suitable.

What do we see on the horizon for #cloudsecurity? "Cloud is coming to you, rather than you going to the cloud." #GartnerSEC

Gartner Senior Director Analyst Charlie Winckless finished his session by sharing key recommendations to take back to your organization. #GartnerSEC #Cloud #cloudsecurity

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