Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Jun 8, 2022, 20 tweets

Primer on Jan 6th Hearings 1/

As televised hearings start in Congress on 9 June in USA, on the January 6th insurrection, and this is likely to be a major event here on Twitter for probably several weeks, I want to give a primer about this Jan 6th for my non-American followers

Primer on Jan 6th Hearings 2/

While the war in Ukraine is biggest geopolitical story now (Putin world's biggest terrorist) for next few weeks a rival story is about attempted elimination of democracy in America. What happened on January 6th. The Congressional hearings about that

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Jan 6th 2021 was an attempted coup d'etat

Outgoing US President Donald Trump attempted to overturn the election he lost by 7 million votes, through a violent assault on the US Capitol, with some wanting to torture or kill leaders from both parties

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First off, President Trump KNEW he will lose in his re-election of November 2020 election already in the summer of 2020, when leaders of his OWN PARTY told Trump, Trump will lose in November. This was Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell's visit

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When Trump knew he will lose in November 2020, for the autumn of 2020, Trump invented all sorts of ways to make money out of his supporters, and in various schemes he tried to cash out of being the President that will shortly lose, like Goya Beans

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In the November 2020 election, Trump lost by a modern-era landslide, by a massive 7 million votes. It was perfectly clear, he had lost. All of his White House including his Attorney General Bill Barr, told Trump, he had lost. Trump knew he had lost

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But Trump wanted to remain in power. So he collected together some of the sickest & fluffiest nutters he could find, to cook up a plan to steal the election, to overturn it, with a coup d'etat, to make Trump a King instead of elected President

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Among plotters is Sir Leaky di Mascara aka America's Mayonaise. Certified lunatic & alleged attorney Rudy Giuliani you'll remember for his plots against Ukraine (Trump first impeachment). Rudy ran absurd lawsuits for Trump & lost his law licence

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What Butt-dial McRudypants did not notice, at Four Seasons Total Treason (parking lot) was that the FBI had Giuliani on legal wire-tap months before Jan 6th, and all of his phone calls to the insurrectionist-terrorists were patiently recorded by FBI

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Another scumbag is the Girl With The Nixon Tattoo. Unstable volcanic mineral Roger Stone has broken laws for Republicans literally since his criming for Nixon. Roger ran a 'war room' at the Willard Hotel on Jan 6th, coordinating the coup d'etat

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Among organizers of Jan 6th insurrection, terrorism, torture & public hanging party (what Repulsicans call a 'picnic' to DC) is Russian General Mike Flynn. This American traitor, pal of Putin, was of course pardoned by Trump for his treason

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Talking of hangings, favorite & front-runner for the vote by all fruit-flies of America, Mike Pence, fiercely loyal Trumpista, was a target (victim) of Jan 6th, when Maganutters chanted 'hang Mike Pence!' & built a gallows for the King of the Flies

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Among most evil of Repulsicans of Jan 6th is Steve Bannon the mind rapist (his words, not mine). Bannon the brainwasher Europeans might remember for taking Putin assistance and using Cambridge Analytica & Facebook to push Britain into #Brexit

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The Hitler Jugend children of Trump were all involved in Jan 6

Entitlement Barbie gave long testimony on video to the committee about what happened on Jan 6th

Butthead Trump was deeply involved plotting Jan 6

Beavis Trump was deeply eating paste

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The Jan 6th hearings are held in Congress. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi offered Senate Republican leader #MoscowMitch McTurtle a deal for a bicameral bipartisan hearing of EVEN power. McConnell foolishly turned it down, so Republicans suffer

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The Jan 6th hearings are bipartisan (Democrats & Republicans both parties attend & ask questions). House Republican Leader, Trump's personal House Poodle Qevin McCoward withdrew THREE Republicans HE HAD NOMINATED, so now we have no idiots on panel

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In December 2020 Trump ratted out three 'R Congressmen' to the 2 highest attorneys at US Department of Justice in a phone call revealing Senator Ron Johnson (WI), House Reps Gym Jordan (OH) & Scott Perry (PA) were plotting a coup d'etat (= Jan 6th)

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Among crimes plotted by members of Congress one vile traitor, Chairman of the AGA, American Gargoyle Association (seen here smiling for the cameras) Paul Gosar (AZ) was offering Presidential Pardons to criminals, if they joined in the Jan 6th coup

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January 6th was an attempt to overturn an election. Trump lost by 7 million votes. He attempted a coup d'etat. Some Maganutters involved wanted to hang Republican Vice President Mike Pence & kill Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi & torture others

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The United States has been a democracy for 246 years. USA is a model for most other democracies of the world

America is a beacon of hope for those living under tyranny

Donald Trump tried to end US democracy & be made King. King Donald the Worst

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