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Physicist by education engineer by employment dedicated to overthrowing the corrupt Tory government by any legal means Opinions: read my tweets, some satirical!

Jun 18, 2022, 29 tweets

Wakefield, Tiverton and Honiton
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A list of #toryrapist and #ToryCorruption
over the past few years, awaiting trial, convicted or just quietly disappeared (so you wouldn't notice)

Imran Ahmad Khan
The Conservative MP for Wakefield
was found guilty in April of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy after plying him with gin at a party in 2008
Khan assaulted the boy in Staffordshire in January 2008 He resigned as an MP two weeks after he was found guilty.

Rob Roberts
The Conservative MP for Delyn allowed to rejoin the party despite an independent investigation finding that he sexually harassed a junior member of staff
Roberts was suspended for 12 weeks after the independent panel found he had made “significant” repeated and ...

unwanted sexual advances towards a former member of staff and used “his position as his employer to place him under pressure to accede”.

David Warburton
The Conservative party removed the whip from the MP for Somerton and Frome,
Sunday Times reported, is facing allegations from 3 women
Warburton, 56, was accused by one of the women of climbing into bed with her naked....

She told the Sunday Times she repeatedly warned that she did not want to have sex with him, but alleged that he ground his body against her and groped her breasts.
He is said to have denied any wrongdoing, and insisted he had “enormous amounts of defence"

Charlie Elphicke
The MP for Dover was convicted and jailed in 2020 for sexually assaulting two women. He was found guilty of three charges, two in relation to a parliamentary worker in 2016 and one in relation to a woman at his family’s central London home in 2007.

The sentencing judge described Elphicke as “a sexual predator who used … success and respectability as a cover”.
Jurors heard that his first victim had suffered a “terrifying episode” when he assaulted her, then chased her round his home chanting “I’m a naughty Tory”

More to come...

#ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern list part 2
Watching porn usually means browsing insecure often virus laden web sites. In government environments it is criminally insecure. It is morally reprehensible.
Wakefield, Tiverton and Honiton

🔶 Vote Lib Dem in Tiverton & Honiton
🌹 Vote Labour in Wakefield
Neil Parish
The Conservative MP for Tiverton and Honiton in April admitted to watching porn on his phone in the House of Commons.
Parish initially suggested he had opened the porn “in error”

but subsequently admitted that while the first time he had watched porn in parliament was an accident, and he was in fact searching for tractors, the second occasion was deliberate. He announced his decision to resign as an MP.

Andrew Griffiths
In Dec 2021, a high court judge concluded that the former Conservative minister raped his wife when she was asleep & subjected her to coercive control.
The judgment detailed alleged domestic abuse by Griffiths towards his wife, during their marriage.

Michael Fallon
Conservative Michael Fallon resigned as defence secretary in 2017, admitting that his behaviour towards women in the past had “fallen short”.
However, after his resignation, additional allegations were made against him.

Stephen Crabb
The Conservative MP for Preseli Pembrokeshire was referred to the party’s complaints procedure in 2017 after admitting he sent “sexual chatter” to a 19-year-old woman who hoped to work for him.
He resigned as pensions secretary in 2016

after allegations that he had sent suggestive messages on WhatsApp to a woman in her 20s, whom he had met through his political role. Conservative party investigating panel determined that his behaviour had been inappropriate, but did not constitute harassment. He remains an MP

Mark Garnier
The junior trade minister Mark Garnier was formally cleared of wrongdoing in 2017 for asking his former assistant to buy a sex toy & calling her “sugar tits”
There was one-month investigation by the Cabinet Office to see if he had breached the ministerial code.

More to come on Monday...

Well #JohnsonTheCorruptPM had to appear sometime... here is the latest coverup for those of you interested in #Wakefieldbyelection or #TivertonandHonitonByElection I'll continue with the list later today

Seems like it's #CarrieGate day with the Times (above) #CarrieJohnson story disappearing and no one can tell why (legal reasons?) so more stuff on this from archives...

And from the gospel of rectitude that is the mail on line....

It gives me no pleasure knowing Carrie Johnson has been screwing #JohnsonTheCorruptPM as much as he, the country

So final bit on #CarrieGate, #CarrieJohnson Carrie Johnson?

So final bit on #CarrieGate, #CarrieJohnson Carrie Johnson unless we add in the "Friends of Russia" ?

Door Shut Stable
comes to mind
Johnson in Hospital for alleged surgery on his septum to correct damage from suggested cocaine
it kept
#TivertonandHoniton #TivertonandHonitonByElection
#Wakefield #Wakefieldbyelection #WakefieldLabour
from trending...

OK Here's more from the Sunday Times archive on Russian Friends (The Tory MPs under investigation will wait...
OK Here's more from the Sunday Times archive on Russian Freinds (Tory MPs under investigation will wait...)

Peerages for Lebedev, Peerages for Clair Fox (the one that did the interview defending Pedophilia) Is there no beginning to Johnson's moral compass?

All this is behind a pay wall, but its still there... for the moment and archived...
I especially like the irony in the Andrew Marr interview at the end
Tomorrow 15? Tory MPs under investigation ?
3 front Bench?

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