Pierre Lionnet Profile picture
Space economist (one of the very few) - Research & Managing Director at Eurospace - views are mine not Eurospace

Jun 24, 2022, 9 tweets

Like every year, with @space_angelC we are updating the Eurospace #spaceeconomy data set with the compilation of 2021 launch events. I will post a few charts making this thread grow as I get them ready. So let's get started. 1/n #eurospacefacts

First the global situation. A few charts to look at the main trends in space activity from the supplier perspective, and in mass at launch. 2/

Here is the total mass launched by spacecraft production region. We clearly see that #Starlink (230t in 2020 and 260t in 2021) is disrupting launch mass statistics. We can also see the major growth of Chinese space activities. All of it is institutional. #eurospacefacts 3/

We can have a look at the same chart but without the impact of human related programmes (ISS/Tiangong). The mass impact of Starlink (and of Chinese programmes) is even more striking. #eurospacefacts 4/

And now we can put in perspective the impact of privately funded spacecraft vs institutional programmes, and here again the current impact of Starlink on launched mass statistics is absolutely unique. #eurospacefacts 5/

We see that the average mass of satellites is decreasing a lot in recent years, with the average satellite weighing less than 400 kg in 2021, against 2,7t in 2012. This trend is very much driven by Starlink (avg w/o Starlink: 600kg), but not exclusively. #eurospacefacts 6/

Let's have a look at institutional activity and notice how China has really stepped up its game. In 2021, the Chinese space programme launched to orbit as much mass as all the other institutional programmes worldwide combined. #eurospacefacts 7/

When considering the military component of institutional space activity the data shows a general trend towards more military space activity, and a clear ambition for China to bridge the gap with the USA and Russia. Europe has no such ambition obviously. #eurospacefacts 8/

Coming next: our estimates for spacecraft and launch service market values in constant M$ using purchasing power parities for accurate international comparisons. 9/

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