Doctors for XR Profile picture
The Climate Crisis is a Health Crisis. We are a group of healthcare professionals in support of Extinction Rebellion's key demands.

Jul 17, 2022, 12 tweets


This morning, medical professionals have broken the windows of @jpmorgan to protest their continued financing of new fossil fuel developments.

This is a peaceful act of civil disobedience. Why?🧵…

The next few days bring unprecedented, deadly heat to the UK and the @metoffice has issued its first ever Extreme Heat Red Warning 🚨

Despite these impacts of continued fossil fuel burning and climate breakdown, @jpmorgan is still funding new fossil fuel developments! 2/12

The #ClimateCrisis can't wait, we need to Act Now.

As Dr. @HelenaMckeown, fmr chair of @TheBMA made clear: "The climate emergency is a health emergency - forging a path to net-zero has never been more important". 3/12…

Leading medical journal @LancetCountdown says:

"#ClimateChange is the greatest global health threat facing the world in the 21st century, but it is also the greatest opportunity to redefine the social & environmental determinants of health." 4/12…

A report by @UNICEF published last year describes how already over a BILLION children's lives are at 'extremely high risk' from climate breakdown. 5/12…

.@GOVUK state: "Tackling the #ClimateCrisis as a health determinant is a crucial aspect of the role of health & care professionals"

What when govts & investors refuse to act on repeat scientific warnings?

We protest as a considered, last resort. 6/12…

As medical professionals we have sworn an oath protect public health ⚕️

We are proud to step into a long tradition of medical protest to defend lives.

Dr. @JohnLauner reflects on this history in this powerful column in the @PMJ_BMJ. 7/12…

.@IPCC_CH Paris Climate Agreement setting a 1.5C temperature target to halt catastrophic climate change

But banks around the world have continued to invest TRILLIONS 💵in new fossil fuel developments.

@jpmorgan tops the list, investing over ‼️$382 BILLION‼️ in 5yrs. 8/12

Fossil investments by @jpmorgan & friends means we will produce more than TWICE the fossil fuels in 2030 than is compatible with meeting our necessary climate targets.

For them, shareholder profits are more important than millions of lives ☠️ 9/12 [Graph: @UNEP]

As @UN Secretary General @antonioguterres, following the latest warnings of the @IPCC_CH report, has said -

"Investing in new fossil fuels infrastructure is moral and economic madness. Such investments will soon be stranded assets" 10/12

Banks like @jpmorgan must be challenged.

They need to stop financing harm and invest in a sustainable future for us all.

We solemnly take action today to bear witness to their crimes against humanity. 11/12

You can help us!

📢 Use your voice to call on banks to stop all new fossil fuel investments, and on governments to regulate them to do so.
💸 #MoveYourMoney to ethical banks.
💚 RT your support

It's way past time to go #FossilFree /END

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