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Chasing digital badness. Sr. Researcher @citizenlab @UofT @munkschool. Fmr.Ed. @SecPlanner. Tweets mine. Or find me on Mastodon:

Jul 18, 2022, 15 tweets

🚨MAJOR INVESTIGATION: uncovering #GeckoSpy.

An espionage operation using #Pegasus spyware against #Thailand's pro-democracy movement.

THREAD on our findings 1/

Our @citizenlab collaborators: @iLawFX & @DigitalReachSEA w/validation by @AmnestyTech…

2/ In 2020, #Thailand's government triggered pro-democracy protests by disbanding a popular opposition party.

Protests continued into 2021, and were met with repression & violence.

Key figures were harassed, arrested & jailed.

Now, we know many were hacked, too.

3/ The #GeckoSpy investigation began in Nov 2021... when @Apple notified users likely targeted w/#NSOGroup’s FORCEDENTRY exploit.

Multiple activists in #Thailand received them.

Some got in touch with us @citizenlab & our collaborators including @iLawFX & @DigitalReachSEA

4/ Once notification recipients got in touch, forensic artifacts were consensually collected & analyzed.

The investigation then expanded to associates & other likely #Pegasus targets.

I cannot overstate the importance of @apple's notifications in focusing the initial process.

4/ The #Pegasus hacking came in waves. Some pauses were probably dictated by things outside #Thailand.

Like the #PegasusProject publication, our disclosure of #ForcedEntry & @Apple's patch... and those notifications.

Other sequences of infection have a contextual explanation...

5/ In many cases, #Pegasus infections in #Thailand matched protest & political activities.

Our collaborators @iLawFX & @DigitalReachSEA have a detailed report, including a table juxtaposing infections & protest events.


6/ Some #Pegasus victims are well known. Like Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul.

She once wore a crop top w/“I have only one father”
written on her skin. Went w/friends the mall for ice cream.

Thai authorities interpreted this as mocking the king, & charged her with lèse-majesté.

7/ High profile activists weren't the only category of #Pegasus victims.

Famous actress @charoenpura & rapper @DechathornHK were also infected.

Both were visible supporters of the pro-democracy movement.

8/ Also infected? Individuals with little public profile, but who played an important support role in protests, or fundraising.

A picture emerges: a #Pegasus operator seeking detailed information about the protest movement... in some cases guided by non public information.

9/ Who is behind the hacking? We @citizenlab aren't making a conclusive attribution.

But it's worth nothing that we've seen #Pegasus operators with a #Thailand nexus since 2014.

And there's a lot of circumstantial evidence...

10/ When you read the @iLawFX & @DigitalReachSEA report, it's clear: the entity responsible for the hacking has a detailed & obsessive focus on voices calling for democracy and reform of the monarchy in #Thailand.

11/ My @citizenlab colleague @billmarczak explains that the #Pegasus hacking in #Thailand relied on zero-click vulnerabilities👇

Translation: *nothing* regular phone users could have done to protect themselves.

12/ This investigation only happened because victims came forward & participated.

#Pegasus can make people feel powerless about digital security, yet they acted to reclaim some agency & are now helping to shed light on the secret mechanics of repression.

It's deeply inspiring.

13/ Special thanks to the team at @AmnestyTech, which independently analyzed a sample of indicators in this case & confirmed Pegasus infections using their distinct tools and methods.

14/ This investigation was a team production, ranging from the incredible work done by our collaborators @iLawFX and @DigitalReachSEA, civil society groups that prefer to remain unnamed, and the @citizenlab team including👇

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