Both were visible supporters of the pro-democracy movement.
8/ Also infected? Individuals with little public profile, but who played an important support role in protests, or fundraising.
A picture emerges: a #Pegasus operator seeking detailed information about the protest movement... in some cases guided by non public information.
9/ Who is behind the hacking? We @citizenlab aren't making a conclusive attribution.
But it's worth nothing that we've seen #Pegasus operators with a #Thailand nexus since 2014.
And there's a lot of circumstantial evidence...
10/ When you read the @iLawFX & @DigitalReachSEA report, it's clear: the entity responsible for the hacking has a detailed & obsessive focus on voices calling for democracy and reform of the monarchy in #Thailand.
12/ This investigation only happened because victims came forward & participated.
#Pegasus can make people feel powerless about digital security, yet they acted to reclaim some agency & are now helping to shed light on the secret mechanics of repression.
It's deeply inspiring.
13/ Special thanks to the team at @AmnestyTech, which independently analyzed a sample of indicators in this case & confirmed Pegasus infections using their distinct tools and methods.
14/ This investigation was a team production, ranging from the incredible work done by our collaborators @iLawFX and @DigitalReachSEA, civil society groups that prefer to remain unnamed, and the @citizenlab team including👇
#Paragon's carefully constructed image of being a clean mercenary spyware company that wasn't susceptible to abuses has been replaced by a more familiar tale of...
And #Italy is now saddled with an unfolding crisis around spyware abuse.
VPN advertising is the most common source of security misinformation that I encounter.
By far.
So many people misplace their trust in dubious consumer VPN products.
The industry is a scourge.
VPNs don't do most of the things that podcasters imply they do.
Coffee shop attacks on unencrypted logins are a thing of a decade ago.
VPNs won't stop even the dumbest spyware & phishing.
Advertisers still know it's you when you turn on a VPN... they use many other identifying signals from your device, like your browser & advertising IDs. Those don't change when you turn on a VPN.
A lot of VPN companies are shady.... and the industry is consolidating fast around some questionable players with concerning histories.
When you turn on a VPN you entrust all of your data to those companies.
BREAKING: NSO Group liable for #Pegasus hacking of @WhatsApp users.
Big win for spyware victims.
Big loss for NSO.
Bad time to be a spyware company.
Landmark case. Huge implications. 1/ 🧵
2/ In 2019, 1,400 @WhatsApp users were targeted with #Pegasus.
WhatsApp did the right thing & sued NSO Group.
NSO has spent 5 years trying to claim that they are above the law.
And engaged in all sorts of maneuvering.
With this order, the music stopped and NSO is now without a chair.
3/ Today, the court decided that enough was enough with NSO's gambits & efforts to hide source code.
Judge Hamilton granted @WhatsApp's motion for summary judgement against the #Pegasus spyware maker.
The judge finds NSO's hacking violated the federal Computer Fraud & Abuse Act (#CFAA), California state anti-fraud law #CDFA, and was a breach of contract.
What happens next? The trial proceeds only on the issue of resolving damages stemming from NSO's hacking.