Félix Krawatzek Profile picture
Researcher @ZOiS_Berlin & Associate @NuffieldCollege at some point @Politics_Oxford @EuropeAtHarvard @CERI_SciencesPo. Passion for good music.

Jul 18, 2022, 6 tweets

Writing ab #young people in #Ukraine based on focus group discussions before #RussiaUkraineWar has been an agonising travel in time. But w/ @FESonline we thought it is important to convey the hopes and frustrations expressed in Dnipro and Lviv. library.fes.de/pdf-files/buer…

Protecting the distinct Ukrainian national identity is seen as a priority in both cities. Participants underline the departure from Soviet values, the importance of the Ukrainian language & culture as well as opposition to Russia.

Ukraine belongs to #Europe for the young as part of the nation’s emancipation. Nevertheless, many articulate that there remains a profound gap between Europe and Ukraine, referring to social attitudes but also economic conditions.

President Zelenskyy represents political hopes for young Ukrainians but they also are very explicit about their frustration regarding corruption, problems with infrastructure and poor economic performance.

Protest and civic activism is frequently approved and young Ukrainians consider themselves as being an active part of civil society, even if views are split over the extent to which political leaders take bottom-up mobilisation into account.

Many thanks to Elena Avramovska @FES_Democracy for steering the text through to publication as well as @forst_world & the twitterless part of the team.

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