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Just making #web3 content 🎮 ITU - Architecture ambassador @Immutable @elixir_launcher Content Creator of @trackerrweb3 Community BUILDOOR

Jul 19, 2022, 9 tweets

Heey everyone! For those who are new to blockchain, I would like to mention a few points.
One of the key features of blockchain is that it is decentralized and anonymous. We believe that the construction of the future will be on the blockchain.

🚀The foundations of the Metaverse will be set up here. But this can cause some problems Blockchain is the technology of the future, but also contains many thieves. Sometimes thieves come across in many different forms. Sometimes it becomes a hacker and infects us through a virus

Sometimes it can be the project itself. So please review the basic tutorials carefully before doing any login process.
I will give some suggestions for beginners on blockchain.

1⃣ Do not connect your main wallet to any website or project application. If possible, even the keywords of your main wallet should be different.

2⃣After you're done with the project you linked to your wallet, don't forget to disconnect your wallet! It's not enough to just disconnect your wallet via metamask. In addition, you should remove the access approvals to your wallet via the scanner.

3⃣ Do not install any external files on your computer without scanning for viruses. (if the project had the original file, the project may have been hacked (!))

4⃣ Just log in timely (official launch time) the links on the official discord page. Click on the links shared on time, if the project's release time is 8, no one will share the link with you at 6, and in such a case, the server is probably hacked.

5⃣Hackers are finding newer and newer ways to breach our security. So next tip (MOST IMPORTANT) Scammers can hack your wallet by opening fake discords with old links used by projects and sharing fake links. Scammers make fake WL tokens. There are thousands of ways to get scammed!

SAFETY is firt! Please remember to take care of your safety!
See you in new floods 🙌
#blockchainsafety #Metamask #safety #RichieLand

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