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Personal account. Social Security/Workers Comp attorney. Human rights. Vice Chair-Lawyers for Good Govt. Advisory Bd #DemCast.

Jul 22, 2022, 9 tweets

The proceedings are being chaired by a Republican

The witnesses have been Republicans

Most worked for Republican president Trump

The insurrection was planned & carried out by Republicans

And the dereliction of duty for 187 minutes was that of a Republican


Trump knew the coup was happening

He did nothing to stop it

On the contrary-he incited the insurrectionists even more


Instead of calling the Capitol Police, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security or even the FBI

Donald Trump called Senators-trying to convince them to delay certification of the election

While insurrectionists chanted Hang Mike Pence


At 2:24, Trump still hadn’t taken action to stop the coup

But he did post this tweet attacking the courage of Mike Pence

And called another Senator to further the coup

This isn’t benign ignorance

It’s an overt act taken to further a conspiracy


These two tidbits about Josh Hawley speak for themselves


Privately, Fox hosts begged Mark Meadows to convince Trump to stop the coup

But on the air, they downplayed it and blamed antifa

Meanwhile, 140+ Capitol Police were injured by virulent Trump supporters incited by the same lies spouted by Trump and Fox


This is a chillingly salient point

By not calling off the attack, Trump’s mob continued to press the attack on Congress

Judging from the radio messages, if they actually captured Mike Pence or Nancy Pelosi, they certainly would have been harmed-if not killed


Even when Trump finally told the mob to go home

He STILL repeated the lie that he won the election

This constant refrain has led GOP state legislatures to enact voter suppression laws in 19 states-and counting

The coup has never stopped

It continues today


It’s not that Trump refuses to say he lost

He still claims he WON

He was a national security threat when he 1st took office

He remains one to this day

And anyone who thinks of supporting him again-which includes most of the GOP-is just as bad



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